The Web Site

Finally we're online...The site is still under construction but few pages are already online.I decided to have this structure:Main Page which contains all the main links;Main Links : - Project : a brief description of my Guild idea and the rules we follow; - The Code : it's just a little thing to make sound our rules a bit more "medieval"; - Houses Links : these are some links that will lead the visitors to a brief description of our guld members; - Miscellaneus : this will lead us to another page in which we can insert what we want, for example picture of our playing time, strategies to follow when we grp, links to item modder ids... - Blog Link : it will lead u here :) so you can tell me haere what you want.Now I'll explain myself better in the Houses matter:I thought that we can divide our Guild in different Groups (Houses) with a"formal leader" that will guide his grp during the game...So: we will have 4 Houses : - Shadows : Infis and Scouts; - Healing : Clerics and Friars; - Mages : Wizards, Sorcs, etc... - Knights : Tanks, Mins, etc...Each House will have in his webpage a name, a picture, a kind of slogan and a tablecontainig House members, a picture of their char, few words of your choiche (maybe a description of you, or just a sentence you'd like to associate to that char... whateveryou want) and an avatar (if u have 1) that may contain a link to your personal Blogs,if you have 1...For now I've given a name to every House (links are not all ready) but we can change them if you want... So suggestions are more than welcome. and you can send me thepictures of your chars and your avatars @ this address : elapsus79@libero.itTake a look and tell me what you think, likes and dislikes :)Have Fun