
In the site you'll find a little guide...If I were a Cabby I would have this spec :at least 3 Spirit : just to have always mana...49 Matter: it will give you 2 powerful DOTs, 1 of them whit Area Of Body: for debuffs & co...I would use this spec most of all because I don't really know how to use pets...But they may be a good ally for you if you learn how to use it...In my opinion Cabalist's strenght are DOTs... you can root somebody, DOT, (aggro pet), lifedrain , lifedrain, lifedrain, run and forgive him dying... If he purges you just reapply dot and run...For casters you MUST do NS first :)P don't loose initiative :) (as for every caster vs caster)I don't know what to take as RAs, ask Animalx, he's a good wizz.... but Purge3 is a must in my opinion... I will get it for my sorc. at least P2...What else.... nothing :) JUST HAVE FUN!!!! this is only my opinion... DO WHAT YOU LIKE D MOST AND ENJOY!SMILE!! (: