Lettere dal delirio


Vividezza...e quel punto...di meraviglioso soprassalto...tra le lenzuola e la tua bocca...non mi allontano dal tuo obiettivo...in bianco e nero...pericolosa_mente...vicina...Di sottecchi... penso...che i rimorsi siano solo per i bambini cattivi e per i preti..."When they had the earthquake in San FranciscoBack in nineteen-sixThey said that Mother NatureWas up to her old tricksThat's the story that went aroundBut here's the real low-downPut the blame on Mame, boysPut the blame on MameOne night she started to shim and shakeThat brought on the Frisco quakeSo you can put the blame on Mame, boysPut the blame on Mame"Put The Blame On Mame