Lettere dal delirio


"I cannot follow you, my love, you cannot follow me. I am the distance you put between all of the moments that we will be. You know who I am, you've stared at the sun, well I am the one who loves changing from nothing to one. Sometimes I need you naked, sometimes I need you wild, I need you to carry my children in and I need you to kill a child. You know who I am... If you should ever track me down I will surrender there and I will leave with you one broken man whom I will teach you to repair. You know who I am... I cannot follow you, my love, you cannot follow me. I am the distance you put between all of the moments that we will be. You know who I am... " Cohen E forse...sono io quella che tieni...nella tua tasca...per un giorno intero...o per un attimo...lasciando scorrere le tue dita...sulla mia schiena...assaporandone la pelle...ed i rilievi...soffermandoti...per sapermi ancora...forse sono io...quella che ti chiede il tempo di guardarti...e che ti chiede di pensarla ...quando pił piove...e l'immagine si dissolve in mille rivoli...Si...Forse...Io...