Giustizia nel mondo ( 24 ott 2014 - 19:59 A: "rosario maringola"

To keep our Democratic campaigns funded, we’re triple-matching 1O,OOO gifts only before tonight’s critical budget deadline.DONATE >>First the bad (ok, TERRIFYING) news:USA Today just reported that a single right-wing mega donor wrote a $5,OOO,OOO.OO check to John Boehner’s SuperPAC. That means Boehner can blast TVs across the country with Obama-bashing ads.Here’s the good (ok, AMAZING) news:To help our Democratic campaigns respond, a group of Democratic supporters have agreed to TRIPLE-MATCH 1O,OOO donations before tonight’s critical budget deadline.Rosario, we can’t throw away this opportunity.We need you to stop what you’re doing, answer President Obama’s request, and help us stop Republicans from buying this election with their secret right-wing money.Next 1O,OOO Donations Triple-Matched!Chip in $5 immediately >>Chip in $35 immediately >>Chip in $50 immediately >>Chip in $100 immediately >>Chip in $250 immediately >>Donate another amount >>Thanks,DCCC