Creato da naz43 il 08/12/2008
Elliott wave & Composite

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se dovesse rompere il minimo (poco probabile) sarebbe...
Inviato da: naz43
il 03/06/2024 alle 11:17
Ciao Naz. Sul bund..come la vedi?se rompiamo il minimo si...
Inviato da: Daniele Pol
il 03/06/2024 alle 11:00
si, ma potrebbe anche fare un pullback in area 2100 (segui...
Inviato da: naz43
il 24/05/2024 alle 13:25
Naz ma sempre riferito al silver e gold, potrebbero essere...
Inviato da: LADISSI
il 23/05/2024 alle 16:18
ciao Ladissi, primo obiettivo area 40 ... poi 50
Inviato da: naz43
il 22/05/2024 alle 12:18


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Post n°7770 pubblicato il 29 Ottobre 2019 da naz43

GOLD $ - m/lungo periodo     Gold vs Spx  21 ott
Il prezzo, dopo aver quasi raggiunto il suo target, sembra
ancora diretto verso il supporto in area 1450/1400 ...
Composite:  Adv-Dn-Up   svolta   BUY-buona  


.................................  Posizione ciclica dopo 3° trimestre   ...........................

FTSEMib index Future (Aggiornamento del martedi)                   
Sul minimo a quota 21060 ho piazzato onda (ii) Minute  ... 
In corso onda (1) Micro verso 22800 ...
Strategia del composite:  Up-Dn-Dn  svolta  Exit/Sell-discreta

...................................... Sentiment dell'investitore  .................................... 

Biotech    -   Beiersdorf    -    Mediolanum    -     Bmw     -    Buzzi    -    CnhI    

Wisdomtree CRUD         -          Wisdomtree PHAU

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Commenti al Post:
salvatore1960_2016 il 29/10/19 alle 14:05 via WEB
sembra un pallone sott'acqua, piu' lo spingono giu'...piu' salta fuori...
salvatore1960_2016 il 29/10/19 alle 14:31 via WEB
terminato acquisto silver... ladi...come sei messo ?
Utente non iscritto alla Community di Libero
ladissi il 30/10/19 alle 10:06 via WEB
ciao sarva! in qsti gg nn ho fatto niente. sn stato impegnato a casa e lavoro. ormai aspetto la fed..dopodichè arrivo al 100%. per adesso sn al 70% di qnto preventivato...che nn è poco!
salvatore1960_2016 il 29/10/19 alle 14:33 via WEB
adesso aspettiamo che l'euro si rigira...
salvatore1960_2016 il 30/10/19 alle 12:54 via WEB
ladi...che lavoro fai ?
salvatore1960_2016 il 30/10/19 alle 13:00 via WEB
mia moglie stamattina cercava una borsa da viaggio e gli chiedo...a che ti serve ? e lei...è per te nel caso i metalli non vanno come hai previsto... ao'...magari chiedo ospitalità al pensionato d'oro che c'hà l'attico piu' grande di bertone...ahahahahah
Utente non iscritto alla Community di Libero
Ladissi il 30/10/19 alle 23:06 via WEB
Il pensionato sta meglio di tti! Mangià beve..e.speriamo faccia qlcs altro di bono... lavoro in p.m. nella.sezione di polizia stradale. Cds. Nel reparto rilievi sinistro stradali.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 11:07 via WEB
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 11:36 via WEB
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:10 via WEB
31 ottobre mattina Pubblicato il 31 ottobre 2019 da gary Non commettere errori, la Fed non sta tagliando i tassi perché l'economia è debole. La Fed sta tagliando i tassi perché stanno cercando di contrattaccare contro altre banche centrali che stanno manipolando le loro valute verso il basso per ottenere un vantaggio economico o per compensare accordi commerciali svantaggiosi. Qual è il punto di negoziare un accordo commerciale se la parte opposta si gira e lo annulla schiacciando la loro valuta? Mi aspettavo che la BCE si sarebbe vendicata stamattina e avrebbe cercato di spingere indietro l'euro, e potrebbero ancora farlo prima della chiusura, ma al momento la Fed è tornata al posto di guida e il dollaro è sceso di nuovo sotto i 200 DMA .
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:10 via WEB
In originale... Make no mistake, the Fed isn’t cutting rates because the economy is weak. The Fed is cutting rates because they are trying to fight back against other central banks that are manipulating their currencies lower to gain an economic advantage, or to offset disadvantageous trade deals. What is the point of negotiating a trade deal if the opposite side just turns around and negates it by squashing their currency? I expected the ECB to retaliate this morning and try to push the euro back down, and they may still do so before the close, but as of right now the Fed is back in the drivers seat and the dollar has again dropped below the 200 DMA.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:11 via WEB
Notice that RSI is behaving in a pattern that suggests an ICL decline is underway. Once it became overbought price quickly turned back down. The euro on the other hand is exhibiting behavior typical of the advancing phase of an intermediate cycle. Once RSI became oversold price rallied.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:11 via WEB
If the ECB can’t turn price back around today expect them to use the 200 DMA next week to try again. At some point though (unless the ECB can stop the cycle) the dollar is going to start moving down into it’s multi-year cycle low (3 YCL). When that begins the dollar cycle and euro cycle will reverse. And by that I mean the intermediate euro cycle will begin right translating and the intermediate dollar cycle will begin left translating. This will be characterized by higher intermediate highs on the euro chart and lower intermediate lows on the dollar chart.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:12 via WEB
I expect this is going to be very volatile and messy for the next month or two as the ECB tries to fight the Fed’s efforts to lower the dollar. In fact in my opinion they already managed to prop the dollar up at least a full year longer than it would have otherwise occurred naturally.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:12 via WEB
The metals survived the FOMC meeting and all have held above the Oct. 1 low ( or the Oct. 14 the low in the case of miners, and their intermediate trend lines.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:13 via WEB
I think we’ve got enough confirmation at this point to assume Oct. 8 was the indeed a final ICL. And another observation that is making me almost giddy today: The attacks the last couple of days, may have resulted in the banks getting caught in another short squeeze. How stupid can they be to make this same mistake twice? If gold really starts to soar in the next few days we’ll have confirmation that another short squeeze is in progress.
salvatore1960_2016 il 31/10/19 alle 14:13 via WEB
Stocks: Post FOMC is when the market usually gives back gains if they were artificial to begin with. So let’s just stick with the plan. If the S&P closes back below 1330 I recommend taking profits on at least half your stock positions. If it closes back below 3000 lock up the rest of your profits and we’ll wait and see what develops.
salvatore1960_2016 il 01/11/19 alle 00:54 via WEB
Oct. 31 Posted on October 31, 2019 by gary Stocks: The semi’s back tested and held the breakout today. As long as that holds I don’t see any need to get trigger happy with stock positions. If the semi’s fall back into the triangle then that would be the signal to lock up profits and get on the sidelines, or put that capital somewhere else.
salvatore1960_2016 il 01/11/19 alle 00:54 via WEB
Dollar: There were multiple attempts to stop the dollar decline today, but so far they have failed. I’m hoping this time the ECB will not be able to abort the ICL prematurely.
salvatore1960_2016 il 01/11/19 alle 00:55 via WEB
Gold: The juniors have now closed back above the 50 DMA and generated a higher high. A higher high is confirmation that an asset is in the advancing phase of an intermediate cycle.
salvatore1960_2016 il 01/11/19 alle 00:56 via WEB
I usually assume that when one sector of an asset class completes a confirmation the rest will soon follow. Remember silver led the metals by breaking the intermediate trend line, and it wasn’t too long before the miners and gold confirmed. So let me repeat: During a bull market the average gain in gold from ICL bottom to IC top is 20%. The average duration is 2.5-3.5 months. More often than not all the losses from the ICL will be recovered during the first daily cycle. So I think GDX will recover $31 within the next 20-25 trading days if not sooner. I think gold will recover 1565 within the next 3-4 weeks, and I think a reasonable target for gold during this intermediate cycle is $1700-$1800. Target for GDX $39-$40. Target for silver $26-$30. There really are no more confirmations at this point. If you are still waiting to enter metal trades… I don’t know what you are waiting for. Once entered I don’t think you need to get jumpy for at least 2 months. Get in and let the trade work unless something goes wrong and right now metals have done nothing wrong… and neither have semi’s. Gary
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