
La telefonata di Obama a Berlusconi

In serata il nuovo presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America Barack Obama ha fatto una telefonata al premier italiano Berlusconi. Ecco, da fonti confidenziali, il testo della telefonata:O: Hallo! Mr. president Berlusconi? I'm Barack Obama!B: Ciao! Do you speak english?O: Yes, I do...   B: Ok, Obama, also me, also me! old are you?O: I'm...(parlotta con i suoi collaboratori)...excuse me...are you the president Berlusconi? Are you the president of Italy?B: Yes! I'm Silvio: you are my friend, I love America! Bravo, Bravo!O: Ok...B: Mr. Obama, nice to meet you, I love you, you are very American, for me you are like Bush!O: What...what do you mean?B: Cioč, cioč you are not bad man, you are not very negher...excuse me...nigger, you are not very nigger. You are normal, you are like me and Bush: for are little bit black, you are almost white! no problem for me! I love you!O: But...but...I don't understand...(parlotta di nuovo con il suo staff, si sentono delle parole confuse: "this is the wrong number! This is not the Italian president, this is Benigni!").B: You don't understand? Not problem! If you have any problem, you call me, ok? and...(sottovoce)...if you need "veline" you understand "veline"? italian "figa"! I have got many figa for you! You have not problem: ghe pensi mi!O: Berlusconi, ok...B: Eh eh! you are my friend, very grande amico!O: Good night, Mr. Berlusconi...B: Ciau!