Mondo Jazz


Un piccolo e spero utile promemoria per chi, in procinto di andare in vacanza, può trovarsi in qualche località dove ascoltare buona musica:  Headingley Festival +Dates: June 13–19, 2011Location: Leeds, United KingdomPercFest +Laigueglia Jazz FestivalDates: June 14–19, 2011Location: Laigueglia,Musicamdo Jazz Festival +Dates: June 14 – July 16, 2011Location: Camerino, Macerata and Matelica, ItalyJazz-Baumfest +Date: June 15, 2011Location: Nordhausen, GermanyTryTone Festival +Date: June 15, 2011Location: Amsterdam, NetherlandsJazzweekend Bergen op Zoom +Dates: June 15–19, 2011Location: Bergen op Zoom, NetherlandsAglantzia Jazz Festival +Dates: June 16–17, 2011Location: Aglantzia (nr Nicosia), CyprusJazz + Praxis +Part of Patras International FestivalDates: June 16–18, 2011Location: Patras, GreeceKirkcudbright Jazz Festival +Dates: June 16–19, 2011Location: Kirkcudbright, United KingdomUdin&Jazz +Dates: June 16–27, 2011Location: Udine, ItalyJazz Jette June +Date: June 17, 2011Location: Jette, BelgiumComplujazz +Festival de Jazz de La Universidad Complutense de MadridDates: June 17–18, 2011Location: Madrid, SpainMidtsommerjazz +Dates: June 17–18, 2011Location: Ålesund, NorwayAskersund Tradjazzfestival +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Askersund, SwedenFestival de Jazz Abel Braham +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Visé, BelgiumFrameries Jazz Festival +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Frameries, BelgiumIdstein Jazzfestival +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Idstein, GermanyJazz an der Ruhr +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Mülheim an der Ruhr, GermanyRoskilde Jazz Days +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Roskilde, DenmarkScheldejazz +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Terneuzen, NetherlandsStockamöllan Swing & Jazz Festival +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Stockamöllan, SwedenStockholm Jazz Festival +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: Stockholm, SwedenThe Hague Jazz Festival +Dates: June 17–19, 2011Location: The Hague, NetherlandsWarsaw Summer Jazz Days +Dates: June 17–22, 2011Location: Warsaw, PolandImaxina Sons +Vigo International Jazz FestivalDates: June 17–25, 2011Location: Vigo, Spain