Mondo Jazz


Vicenda indicativa quella capitata a Tony Bennett nelle scorse settimane. Ospite di una trasmissione radiofonica il cantante italo-americano ha commentato la ricorrenza del 9 settembre con toni anti-conformisti rispetto al pensiero dominante conservatore e puritano e, ovviamente, subito dopo è stato costretto alle rettifiche del caso.L'americano medio non capisce i motivi per i quali il suo paese è detestato in molte aree del mondo, ignorando o peggio, condividendo, le politiche abominevoli di appoggio a regimi dittatoriali e sanguinari perseguite per decenni dai governi statunitensi. Un pò come l'italiano medio che non sa, grazie a Minzolini e Fede, e se sa non capisce perchè il proprio presidente del consiglio è considerato un pirla in tutto il mondo (eccetto nella Russia putiniana....).Insomma la strada per una seria riflessione sulle cause e gli effetti della tragedia delle Twin Towers è ancora lunga e difficoltosa. Perchè ognuno si possa fare una propria opinione ecco comunque il testo apparso su Jazztime: Singer Tony Bennett, 85, is in damage control mode today after stating on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM radio program that the United States caused the attacks on 9/11. While speaking with Stern yesterday, the topic rolled around to the fateful day in 2001 and Bennett stated, “But who are the terrorists? Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? Two wrongs don't make a right … They flew the plane in, but we caused it. Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop.” Bennett further claimed that, in 2005, then-President George W. Bush "told me personally ... ‘I think I made a mistake.’” Bennett said he believed that Bush confided in him because Bush “had a special liking to me.” Bennett, who is currently promoting his new Duets II album, backtracked today after news of his comments went viral. Saying that he made “a tremendous, tremendous mistake,” Bennett explained, “There is simply no excuse for terrorism and the murder of the nearly 3,000 innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks on our country … My life experiences—ranging from the Battle of the Bulge (in World War II) to marching with Martin Luther King—made me a lifelong humanist and pacifist, and reinforced my belief that violence begets violence and that war is the lowest form of human behavior … I am sorry if my statements suggested anything other than an expression of my love for my country, my hope for humanity and my desire for peace throughout the world.”