Mondo Jazz


Gustoso ritratto quello scritto da Ivan Hewett su Telegraph: l'obiettivo è il nostro Stefano Bollani di cui vengono ripercorse le tappe della carriera tramite una agile intervista che precede l'esibizione del pianista toscano al festival di Londra in solo ed in duo con Martial Solal.Whenever jazz threatens to become too arty and self-conscious, up pops a naïf to remind us of jazz’s roots in fun and humour and lyrical pathos. Thirty-nine-year-old virtuoso Italian pianist Stefano Bollani is one of them. He was born about as far from jazz’s roots as you could imagine, in Florence, and it was a happy accident that alerted the young boy to this fascinating music from across the sea. He was rummaging among his parent’s record collection and came across a recording of Scott Joplin’s Maple Leaf Rag. “I absolutely loved this record, I played it over and over again. I loved the way the bass jumped around so fast, and I tried to imitate it.” So he was already playing piano by this time? “Oh yes, I started when I was six, and I had a good teacher, but I didn’t like classical music so much. I liked to listen to pop music, and my ambition was to be a big Italian pop star like Adriano Celentano, or a comedian.Continua a leggere cliccando qui :