Mondo Jazz


Se per magia venissi nominato tesoriere di qualche partito invece che occultare soldi acquistando in proprio appartamenti ecco un piccolo investimento che non mancherei di realizzare: l'intero catalogo della Instant Composers Pool.Si tratta di un mega-cofanetto numerato che comprende i 50 album editi dall'etichetta olandese più tre dvd che raccolgono materiale inedito, un album fotografico e disegni dipinti da Han Bennink.Le prime 300 copie saranno messe in vendita a 399 dollari, poi il prezzo diventerà 499 dollari. Comunque un affare, considerando che buona parte del catalogo è di difficile reperibilità e che i nomi documentati nell'arco di ben 45 anni sono tra i più belli della musica improvvisata europea.Ecco la pagina che pubblicizza il box dal sito della ICP: ICPBOXReserve your copy of our entire boxed catalogue!"Improvisation is like daily life... like crossing a street" - says Han Bennink. The ensemble of the Instant Composers Pool, or ICP, improvises for 45 years now on the highest level. "These guys can swing like madmen and then all of a sudden play the most sensitive ballads" according to trumpetplayer Dave Douglas.This is really an improvisational monster with ten heads! Furthermore co-founders Misha Mengelberg and Han Bennink are the true "Giants of European jazz"! ICP is historical, unique and there is nothing else like it in jazz. The music that is released during all these years has now been collected and is planned to be released as a special edition box. It will contain 50 cd's, 3 dvd's (exact numbers to be confirmed), will include bonus material that has never been released before and a photo-book of the rich ICP-history as shot by Pieter Boersma. Every box is numbered and unique because Han Bennink himself will be painting each copy by hand!Special edition;50 CD's and 3 DVD's (exact numbers to be confirmed);Photobook by Pieter Boersma;Every box has an unique number;Each box is hand painted by Han Bennink himself.To be able to produce this collectors item, we need at least 300 reservations! The first 300 people who will reserve a copy will, as a thank you for making this possible, receive a considerable discount. The price for the first 300 boxes will be €399, after that it will be priced €499.Se vi ho convinto, o se siete i tesorieri di un qualsiasi partito, ecco l'indirizzo mail :