Mondo Jazz


DDopo Philip Glass ecco un altro importante compositore contemporaneo, Gyorgy Ligeti, parlare di jazz e di jazzisti.Interessanti le sue notazioni su Monk, Evans, Peterson, Miles ed il suo sguardo complessivo sulla musica del '900.L'intervista, ad opera del pianista Benoit Delbecq, originriamente comparve su Jazz Magazine del settembre 1998 ma ora è stata trascitta e pubblicata su Do The Math. Ecco l'incipt con il successivo link per la lettura integrale:  Benoît Delbecq: In the booklet of Pierre-Laurent Aimard's CD of the Etudes pour Piano (Sony Classics) you mention that both Thelonious Monk and Bill Evans have had a significant influence on you. György Ligeti: Indeed, in the sphere of jazz those musicians are truly my favorite. Their touch, their poetry. In jazz music there are great virtuosos like Oscar Peterson or Art Tatum, but it's something else.Do you like Peterson? BD: Er...I mean...what he plays now... GL: Yes, it's commerce ! BD: Nevertheless on the very topic of virtuosity... GL: It's impressive! Just like Albert Ammons or James P. Johnson, who worked on a sort of a – let's call it - poetry of the speed. Now, there is this disc where Chick Corea plays with Herbie Hancock. One finds there incredible polyrhythms with subtle offsets that, to my sense, are based on a perfect knowledge of both Latin American and African music. It's one of my favorite jazz discs. But, for me, the great poet-composer was Monk. As far as touch is concerned, Bill Evans is a sort of Michelangeli of jazz. Do you agree?Link: