Mondo Jazz


 Come di consueto anche Allaboutjazz ha inserito il pesce d'aprile nelle sue pagine on line. Quest'anno con un articolo dal tono serioso  a firma Chris May , Jazz Musicians With Eccentricities, frutto di uno studio di un fantomatico Institute of Jazz Study della Rutgers University dal bellissimo titolo:Fruitcakes and Psychos: The Offstage Antics of American Jazz Musicians.Improbabili le psicosi attribuite ad Armstrong, Coltrane, Miles , ma per un lettore distratto lo sconcerto è stato sicuramente grande. Ecco l'inizio dell'articolo con il link per leggerlo integralmente.  Some of the 20th century's greatest eccentrics were jazz musicians. That is no surprise, given the link which psychologists long ago suggested exists between creative thinking and "abnormal" behavior, and which has been confirmed by recent neurological research locating both activities within the same area of the brain.Trumpeter and singer Louis Armstrong's lifelong evangelizing of patent medicine laxatives is well known—the trumpeter famously had greetings cards made which showed him photographed sitting on the toilet, his pants round his ankles, with the motto: "Satchmo says put it all behind you."Other musicians' eccentricities have been less well documented—but that is about to change. The Institute of Jazz Studies at Rutgers University today published a paper titledFruitcakes and Psychos: The Offstage Antics of American Jazz Musicians. Here are a few of the entries:Continua su :