Mondo Jazz


Doppio articolo sul New York Times dedicato a Ravi Coltrane, figlio degli indimenticabili Alice e John.Sul Magazine dell'edizione del sabato Zachary Woolfe traccia un profilo del giovane sassofonista in una lunga intervista: quotidiano invece, il 10 di agosto WM. Ferguson chiede a Ravi di indicare e commentare i dieci brani a lui più cari dei suoi genitori.Il primo brano indicato è Monk's Mood tratto dal bellissimo live At Carnegie Hall con Thelonious Monk in qualità di leader. Ecco il parere di Ravi:“For me, the most beautiful tone ever produced on a tenor saxophone can be heard on this live performance from 1957. An award should be given to someone that can produce a sound so evocative — familiar and otherworldly at once.”Bellissimo anche il racconto sull'incisione di Triloka di Alice Coltrane in duo con Charlie Haden dall'album Translinear Light del 2004:“This piece could not have been more spontaneous. My mother was leaving the studio as Charlie Haden was arriving. Charlie says, ‘Hey, man, can we play one?’ My mother was already in the car when we moved to set up the bass mikes in the room next to the piano. I told the engineer to roll the tape as soon as Alice returned to the studio — you can even hear my footsteps as I exit when this track begins. They decided to play ‘free’ — which could mean a thousand things. For Alice and Charlie, it meant this piece would be a conversation; informed by a shared history, a mutual understanding of tone, pace and direction — and of course, a profound musicality. Charlie’s ears are huge, and his reaction time is instantaneous — his accompaniment here is on the highest level. The performance is a gem, an absolute beauty of musical expression. After the last chord rang out— my mother stood and would soon be on her way home — Charlie’s salutation: ‘Hey, man, that was so beautiful. You took me on a journey, and I was right there with you.’ ’’Potete leggere i commenti e ascoltare i dieci brani cliccando sul link del NYT: