Mondo Jazz


Quanti album ha inciso Sun Ra ? Piuttosto difficile dirlo, la pubblicazione per la sua etichetta privata ha di fatto reso incalcolabile il numero di long playing e successivamente, le ristampe in compact disc hanno ancor più ingarbugliato il conto facendo spesso confluire in un unico cd due album magari con in più degli inediti, per non parlare poi delle raccolte in cofanetti di più compact.Gli storici long playing erano distribuiti autonomamente, di fatto solo durante i concerti, e successivamente tramite pochi canali ufficiali. Gli album erano stampati tra l'altro in tiratura limitata e sono diventati da subito oggetto da collezionisti.Dopo la scomparsa del pianista le riedizioni sono fioccate numerose. Da qualche tempo sulla rete in almeno un paio di siti c'è la possibilità di scaricare qualcosa come 110 compact, un numero incredibile di album che occupano uno spazio non indifferente nell'hard disk, e cioè 13,2 gigabyte.Il periodo di riferimento va dal 1956 al 2010 e le label interessate sono la Saturn Records, l'Impulse !, Mps Records, Esp, Black Saint, Leo e A&M. L'elenco, impressionante, dei titoli è il seguente:ALBUMS:1956 Super Sonic Jazz1957 Sun Song (aka Jazz by Sun Ra)1959 Jazz in Silhouette1961 The Futuristic Sounds Of Sun Ra1965 Secrets of the sun (rec in 1962)1965 The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra Vol 11966 Batman and Robin1966 The Magic City (rec in 1965)1966 Walt Dickerson and Sun Ra - Impressions Of a Patch Of Blue1967 Strange Strings (rec in 1966-1967)1968 Monorails and Satellites (rec in 1966)1968 New York, Electric Circus 03-68 (Live)1968 Sound of Joy (rec in 1956)1969 Atlantis (rec in 1967-1969)1969 Continuation1969 Monorails and Satellites Vol. II (rec in 1966)1970 Holiday For Soul Dance (rec in 1960)1970 My Brother The Wind Vol. 11970 Nothing Is (LIVE New York State, May 1966)1970 The Night of the Purple Moon1971 It's After The End Of The World - Live At The Donaueschingen And Berlin Festivals1971 Nuits de la Fondation Maeght volume I (aka Fondation Maeght Nights)1971 Nuits de la Fondation Maeght volume II (aka Fondation Maeght Nights)1971 Pictures Of Infinity (Live NY 1968)1972 Universe in Blue1973 Astro Black1973 Deep Purple (rec in 1953 - 1973 )1973 Discipline 27-II1973 Space Is The Place1974 Outer Spaceways Incorporated (rec in 1966-1968, Live)1974 Space Probe (rec in 1969-1970)1974 The Antique Blacks (Live)1974 The Invisible Shield (Janus)1975 What's New - A Cobbled but Complete Copy1975 What's New (rec in 1962)1976 Cosmos1976 Live at Judson Hall (with Pharoah Sanders and Black Harold) (rec in 1964)1977 Some Blues But Not The Kind That's Blue1977 Unity1978 Disco 3000 2cd1978 Lanquidity1978 Media Dreams (2 CD)1978 New Steps1978 Other Voices, Other Blues1978 St. Louis Blues (Solo Piano)1979 God Is More Than Love Can Ever Be1979 I, Pharaoh1979 Sleeping Beauty1979 The other side of the Sun1980 Aurora Borealis1980 Sunrise In Different Dimensions1980 The Voice of Eternal Tomorrow (Rose Hue Mansions of the Sun)1981 Dance of Innocent Passion1982 A Fireside Chat with Lucifer1982 Nuclear War1982 Oblique Parallax (rec in 1980)1982 Strange Celestial Road (rec in 1979)1983 Ra to the Rescue1984 Astral Planes & New Moonbeams (Live in Atlanta)1985 Outer Reach Intensity-Energy (Stars that Shine Darkly, vol. 2)1985 When Spaceships Appear (Cosmo-Party Blues) (Children of the Sun)1987 John Cage Meets Sun Ra1988 Hidden Fire 11988 Live at Pitt-In, Tokyo1988 Love in Outer Space - Live in Utrecht (rec in 1983)1990 Mayan Temples1990 Purple Night1991 Sound Sun Pleasure!! (Comp)1992 Cosmic Tones For Mental Therapy / Art Forms Of Dimensions Tomorrow (rec in 1961-1963)1992 Destination Unknown1992 Other Planes of There (rec in 1964)1992 Visits Planet Earth / Interstellar Low Ways (rec in 1958-late 60s)1992 We Travel the Spaceways / Bad & Beautiful (rec in late 60s-61)1993 Angels & Demons at Play / The Nubians of Plutonia (rec in 1956-1960)1993 Concert For The Comet Kohoutek (rec in 1973)1993 Fate in a Pleasant Mood / When Sun Comes Out (rec in 60-63)1993 Friendly Galaxy1993 Space Is The Place OST (rec in 1972)1994 A Quiet Place in the Universe (rec in 1976-1977)1994 Live At The Hackney Empire (2CD) (rec in 1990)1995 A Night In East Berlin - My Brothers The Wind & Sun N.9 (rec in 1986 & 1990)1995 Second Star to the Right (Salute to Walt Disney) (rec in 1989)1996 Stardust From Tomorrow (2CD) (rec in 1989)1998 Black Myth / Out In Space (2 CD) (rec in 1970)1998 Calling Planet Earth (3CD) -CD 1 Outer Spaceways Incorporated (rec in 1968)CD 2 Spaceways (rec in 1966 & 1968)CD 3 Calling Planet Earth (rec in 1971)1999 Outer Space Employment Agency (rec in 1973)2000 Greatest Hits- Easy Listening for Intergalactic Travel2000 Live At Praxis (2 CD) (rec in 1984)2000 Pathways To Unknown Worlds + Friendly Love (rec in 1973)2000 The Great Lost Sun Ra Albums - Crystal Spears (rec in 1973)2000 The Great Lost Sun Ra Albums - Cymbals (rec in 1973)2002 Music For Tomorrow's World (rec in 1960)2003 Live at Montreux (2 CD) (rec in 1976)2003 Piano Recital - Teatro La Fenice, Venezia (rec in 1977)2003 Spaceship Lullaby (rec in 1955-1960)2005 Heliocentric Worlds vol. 3 - The Lost Tapes (rec in 1965)2006 Springtime in Chicago (rec in 1978) (2CD)2006 Sunrise In Egypt Vol. 1 (rec in 1984)2006 Sunrise In Egypt Vol. 2 (rec in 1984)2006 Sunrise In Egypt Vol. 3 (rec in 1984)2006 What Planet is This (2 CD) (rec in 1973)2007 The Lost Reel Collection Volume 1 (2 CD) (rec in 1971)2007 The Lost Reel Collection Volume 2 (rec in 1971 & 1972)2007 The Lost Reel Collection Volume 3 (2 CD) (rec in 1970)2007 The Lost Reel Collection Volume 4 (2 CD) (rec in 1974)2008 The Lost Reel Collection Volume 5 (rec in 1972 & 1973)2008 Horizon (rec in 1971)2009 United World In Outer Space (rec in 1975)2010 Egypt Strut (rec in 1983-1984)Tutto questo tesoro è reperibile tramite un blog, questa volta italiano, dal nome significativo: Condannati all'oblio, oppure tramite Israbox.I link: