Mondo Jazz


I suggerimenti per i musicisti jazz vengono direttamente da uno di loro, il sassofonista Steve Lehman.Credo ci sia un buon pizzico di ironia e un altro po di cinismo realista in quello che dice Steve, del quale tutto si può pensare meno che poi faccia quello che dice.....#1) Record/perform instrumental versions of pop songs #2: Include pop stars as special guests on your albums and in your live performances.#3: Emphasize vocal music with lyrics over purely instrumental music. Many listeners have an easier time relating to music with words.#4: Record the same music over and over but with a new PR strategy/concept for each album.#5: Try and connect your music to a current news story/point of interest -- like a war or a celebrity, to encourage national press coverage.#6: Take advantage of "jazz" and its cultural capital to access "high art" infrastructure but also emphasize populist ideals of accesibility