Mondo Jazz


Venerdì 11 Aprile 2014 ore 22.50IL CARTELLONEFORTE FANFULLALarry Ochs - Donald Robinson duoLarry Ochs sax tenore, sax sopranino; Donald Robinson batteriaRegistrato il 25 aprile 2013 al Forte Fanfulla, Roma Larry Ochs, saxophonesIn his thirty-plus years in Rova Saxophone Quartet, Larry Ochs has created roughly two dozen compositions for saxophone quartet as well as other pieces for Rova in extended ensembles, many of which are recorded, and some of which were commissioned by Chamber Music America/Doris Duke Foundation and Meet the Composer. He has been acting executive director of Rova:Arts since 1987. In addition Ochs currently composes for and leads Larry Ochs Sax & Drumming Core (with Scott Amendola, Don Robinson, Satoko Fujii, and Natsuki Tamura and Kihnoua (with vocalist Dohee Lee, Scott Amendola and special guests. He is performing in collective bands: East-West Ensemble (with Didier Petit, Sylvain Kassap, Miya Masaoka, Xu Fengxia), Jones Jones (with Mark Dresser and Vladimir Tarasov), Maybe Monday (with Masaoka and Fred Frith), Shelton-Ochs Quartet (with Aram Shelton, Kjell Nordeson and Scott Walton). Details on tours and recordings, and several interviews at Robinson, drumsDescribed as a “percussive dervish” (Coda) Donald Robinson is a technical master of the drums. He is a stalwart of the of San Francisco Bay Area avant-garde jazz scene, playing and recording with many of the area’s improvisors, from saxophonists John Tchicai, Marco Eneidi and Larry Ochs to koto player Miya Masaoka and pianist Matthew Goodheart, and with prominent visitors like Cecil Taylor, Wadada Leo Smith, George Lewis, Raphe Malik and Paul Plimley. Much of this work has featured the combination of Robinson and bassist Lisle Ellis as rhythm section: ‘the best bass-drums tag team on the scene’ (Jazz Times). His longest musical association, dating from the 1970′s, was with the late tenor saxophonist Glenn Spearman.