Mondo Jazz


La Mercury Press di Toronto manda in libreria due nuovi volumi, entrambi a 19,95 dollari, per la collana The Book Cooks ad opera di Stuart Broomer e di Mark Miller. Quest'ultimo tratteggia la biografia e l'opera di Herbie Nichols. Un estratto dalle note di copertina: Herbie Nichols wanted to be a Prokofiev, but when classical training proved beyond his means as a young pianist in Harlem, he decided instead to become an Ellington.In truth, he became a Nichols — by his own description a “jazzist” and by any other name a singular figure on the New York jazz scene of the 1950s. He composed and all too infrequently recorded music whose originality, modernity and humour — set him apart from his contemporaries.Increasingly celebrated in the years since his death, Nichols is now honoured with this sympathetic and engaging biography.Note dal volume dedicato a Braxton:Anthony Braxton may be the greatest creative force in contemporary music as well as one of the most controversial. In a forty-year career, he has reinterpreted most of the jazz repertoire while composing at the pace of Bach or Mozart.Front cover photo by Martin Morissette: Anthony Braxton at FIMAV, Victoriaville, Quebec, May 20, 2007.
A musical futurist projecting multiple orchestras playing on different planets, Braxton has played duets with bop pioneer Max Roach, conducted his own opera and sat in with anarcho-punk noise band Wolf Eyes.In Time and Anthony Braxton, Stuart Broomer looks insistently at time, whether in the shape of jazz history, time’s relationship to pitch, or the unique ways in which Braxton constructs the musical moment. In approaching the dense weave of Braxton’s musical thought, Broomer references figures like Nicola Tesla, St. Augustine of Hippo, Ezra Pound, and Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers.Infine, la possibilità di leggere i primi capitoli di entrambi i volumi cliccando : ultimo il sito della casa editrice con la possibilità di acquistare i libri: