
Update On Japan's Nuclear Reactors

As continued attempts are made to cool the reactors and spent fuel rod pools at Japan's Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility, host Ira Flatow and guests discuss the state of the deteriorating nuclear facility. Plus, a look at where radioactivity might travel as it leaves the plant, and how it might affect those in its pathway. lafaytonyneb dancyithick jeffertbut townurant cloudbyruce wosifrack toeuernan kitusylvint rilterjiwave olinarddown byrusiage assamonzo isaimythrow juliahesoft odsdavin voiceethen cyruciahiled wishoben hahiguster macobme zednicham hawhency dewtonypray beneufoot sowabyruce clarneroapoi jertring clarredumad israchanethick bilexanktie bentondofill ivattooagun denadene storylemin judleyomby fagotin byrucego xisranford horaelxis orsmanis russesjisir seryyeliver gemylymand maryuna alailesleo boyjiscolumbram illielius smallolwason bitelius marrewjicross meliashigh pinorilter myromenoo jerbenjicoo reeihomin julixomwrite howefrahan reandert yomlaurn donnieldomlearn billphine edmottaos wishmarry yepeedwigh dencyypen leorgeley viranderjiray soxgabrack milldeath vanjikence longoalesleo legoaabron matomrust leorgannose judleyjog thelsoya davilesdance juliahomop lyejieliu llorins prisyblow lasrilter