Aria Fritta...

...sign your name...

fortunately you have gotsomeone who relies on youwe started out as friendsbut the thought of you just caves me inthe symptoms are so deepit’s so  much too late to turn awaywe started out as friendssign your nameacross my hearti want you to be my babysign your nameacross my hearti want you to be my babytime i'm sure will bringdisappointments in so many thingsit seems to be the waywhen your gambling cards on love you playi'd rather be in hell with you babythan in cool heavenit seems to be the waysign your nameacross my hearti want you to be my babysign your nameacross my hearti want you to be my ladybirds never look into the sunbefore the day is donebut oh the light shines brighteron a peaceful daystranger blue leaves us alonewe don't want to deal with youwe'll shed our stains showeringin the room that makes the rainsign your nameacross my hearti want you to be my babysign your name across my hearti want you to be my babysign your nameacross my hearti want you to be my lady  all alone with youmakes the butterflies in me ariseslowly we make loveand the earth rotatesto our dictatesslowly we make love