Creato da tarant8l il 02/12/2008
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Palden Dorje ~ Orioscopo 1990 2013 

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www

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published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008,
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of
this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted
by law.


del Buddha

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scribd USENET

Copyright © 2008
by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Dorje nacque con una luna piena congiunta alla santissima stella
Spica Virginis
Il suo Guru
Giove ci guarda dal cancello stellare principale, lo Stargate. Il
sole guadagna altitudine su Eris in Cetus. Il signore dell’era di
Cetus si annuncia con Venere in Sestante (Venus in Sextans), prima
dell’arrivo dell’Anticristo che avvenne con Venere in Hydra. Il
Buddha a puntuale con Giove in Ofiuco (Jupiter in Ophiuchus). Chi lo
aspettava seguendo le nostre predizioni, ha avuto una piacevole
sorpresa. Chariklo sull’orlo della galassia dona un tocco
d’incantesimo alla presenza del ragazzo divino.


sermone dell’avatar avvenne con Venere in Sestante. Sextans e la
constellazione della massoneria, l’intermediario tra il cuore
cattivo del drago e quello dell’avatar. Copiosamente rappresentata
nella pittura, Venere in Hydra srotola la lotta del drago contro
l’eroe solare. L’araldica Venere strisciando in Hydra si
pronuncia anticristo.


un Giove in posizione del Cancello Stellare, il piccolo guru e già
armonizzato con il Vaticano e la corte inglese. Giove governa gli
altri pianeti, calmando la sete di guerra del papa, come anche la
lingua rettilinea della Windsor. L’avatar controlla la serpe e il
drago con estrema facilita. Due i rettili controllati da Giove in
Ofiuco, quello italiano, il più dannoso, e quello americano.
Si sa che la testa del serpente ascendente d’Italia morde
gravemente il cuore del pianeta, invece la coda che e SERPENS CAPVT
segue le mosse della testa. Ofiuco e la stazione centrale del sole,
che si vuole quindicesima
o tredicesima.


anche in lingua italiana.


© 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

© 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or

in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial
purposes or otherwise,

the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.



La massima stella in Virgo. Usiamo i nomi latini per non confondere
il cielo originale con superstizioni popolari, ergo Capricornus,
Scorpius e Virgo. La costellazione della Vergine e molto più
corta di Hydra, nonostante figurando tra le più lunghe
constellazioni zodiacali. Scorpius e Capricornus non ascendono
all’est all’epoca presente. Scorpius e la constellazione più
modesta dello zodiaco solare, infatti, il sole viaggia Scorpius per
una settimana, partendo dal giorno 23 del mese di novembre.

Nella tradizione indiana, Giove e Guru.

Il sole in pratica entra in Orione come tutte le altre pianete, e
anche in una stazione regolari dei pianeti come Cetus. 22 le
constellazioni zodiacali per un oroscopo ben temperato.

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tarant8l il 02/12/08 alle 12:18 via WEB
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. ASTROLOGY 1990i – 2013ii Free from prejudices and miscalculations of the past, the magus-astrologer floats freely, precessing at will Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. The known bugs of the zodiac and ascendant set have been not only corrected, but a new system as depending solely on the real sky has been instilled into the eye of Horus. While superstitious horoscopes for the masses approach quarter of the sky (sic) of error, the magus-astrologer enjoys the real sky after eons of sheer miscalculation, that was notoriously forbidden by the true Lord. The material is available through and Palden Dorje is the long awaited Messiah who came as appointed with Jupiter in Ophiuchus. The avatar addressed the material world with intermediary Venus in Sextans, while retreating before the apocalyptic event of Venus in Hydra. The Maitreya plans to meditate through 2012 with Uranus in Cetus. His natal Sun hovers over Eris in Cetus, thus protecting the planet. His Guruiii Jupiter is at the Stargate, thus communicating the solar system to the native galaxy. Palden Dorje is the Messiah of the dark Age of Cetus III, with Sun hovering over Eris. Palden Dorje goes into retreat with Venus in Hydra, the position of the Antichrist. Palden Dorje addresses the material world precisely with Venus in Sextans. Palden Dorje's Purnima horoscope corrected for elevation, date and location. Version III. Live horoscope demonstration for Palden Dorje on As Jupiter travels from Stargate to Ophiuchus, the mission of Palden Dorje unfolds. Palden Dorje horoscope available on scribd, youtube, and Palden Dorje as tempted at the precise time of his 18th birthday. Further predictions reserved. Palden Dorje's Guru Jupiter at the Stargate as harmonized with Vatican and the UK. Palden Dorje precedes the Antichrist with a sermon at the time of Venus in Sextans. Palden Dorje is the Messiah as announced by the entrance of Jupiter in Ophiuchus. Sun in Pisces towering over Eris in Cetus marks the Lord of the New Æon, Palden Dorje. Chariklo at the galactic rim marks exceptional beauty in the new Buddha incarnation. Uranus enters Cetus in the year 2012. Palden Dorje plans to meditate through the apocalypse. Zodiacal basics and astrological information for incipient astrologers in the dark Age of Cetus III. The ascendant set and zodiac are separate units as in the real sky so in your own horoscope. The zodiac has precisely 22 constellations as confirming to IAU standards and the Tarot. The present ascendant set consists of 16 rising eastern constellations. The universal Cartesian house system has solved all housing problems for the colonsiv. Reality renderingv solves futurity correctionvi in creating events for the magus-astrologer. Finally the dream of every true astrologer has enlivened with the event of the true astronomic zodiac. Scientific astrology has greatly prospered since its birth in the year 1992vii. Its major achievements are the Academic Zodiac, the precessing set of eastern ascendants and universal Cartesian house system. The Academic Zodiac has 22 constellations, along with a precessing ascendant set as currently consisting in 16 constellations. One can render one's personal future at willviii. The publications and projects of interest are mainly intimated in reverse chronology. NASA is developing a new integration model as capable for accuracy beyond year 3000 BCix. Tipping the dragon scales. Hydra progressions in daily astrology. Nile precession and the spine. Daily progression of the 16 ascendants for wearable computers (project). Portable horary astrology. Reptilian extra-zodiacal astrology. The secrets of Draco. Ascension astrology in orgasm timing. Dating a reptilian. How does her Venus in Hydra act upon your mars in Cetus? Monster sex. Tipping the scales. Reptilian ascendants in daily life. Sexual peaks using Reptilian Astrology VI. Ascendant compatibility. Hydra versus neighbors and opponents. Short versus long constellations. Marriage calculator for adolescents as plug-in for the 22/16 system. Supports dating astrology. Aboriginal astrology on spacecraft. Who were the first astrologers? Alien origin of intelligence. One minute astrology for children with instant prediction manual. Stock exchange for kids. Alien ascendants compilation for near objects and axillary moons. Spacecraft astrology for Cruithne colons and baby delivery in outer space. Alien guardian angels. Sun and the planets in 88 constellations. 88 ascendants in solar system astrology. Kabirian ascendants. Astrology of the inner man. Your true self in the stars. Stellar origin of the soul. Mars Venus galactic midpoint and Stargate dynamism in the galactic chart of the USA. USA Stargate Map dynamism. The galactic ascendant versus the stargates in the year 2012. The Grand Orient from Age of Orion to Age of Cetus. Astrological orientation in masonry. Masonic lodge orientation according to the Seal, Reptilia and ornithology. New Precession series launched on November 23rd with Sun in Librax, Sai Baba's birthday. Cygnus and Lyra in American occult astrology. Galactic ascendant and the Federation. The Irish ascendant of the USA. Galactic ascendant progressions in Irish landscape astrology. Nile precession and Stargate orientation in Nubian galactic astrology. Cygnus and USA. Progressions of the galactic ascendant. Ornithological astrology of the USA. Galactic astrology 2012. London and the Great Seal of the USA. Lyran occultation. Regulus occultation and the New York lodge. The dark reign of the golden infant. The main 32 dwarf planets in marriage astrology. The seventh galactic house. The Hydra seal of Great Britain. Royal reptilian horoscopes and precession of the Unicorn. British court and reptilian descendants in royal marriage horoscopes. Prince William. Reptilian heraldry. The Last Unicorn and the great Hydra swindle in British Ahriman masonry. Mundane precession patterns in astrology in the Age of Cetus. Orion kills the Gemini twins. Galactic ascendant in planetocentric astrology. Juno-centric analysis of marriage charts. Progression of the galactic ascendant in soul mate horoscopes. Galactic ascendant in Stargate dynamism. Killer galaxy, Galactic center and Stargate of Evil. The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary. Gryphon and vulture in basic American astrology. Reptilian dynamism of the Great Seal. Precession in natal astrology. Natal patterns, dark cults and the discreation of the wheel time. Procession of the main great holes along the Axis of Evil from Bible to the Dark Flux abysmal. Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology, superstition, lie and the devil in personal dharma. Progressions of the ascendant. Ephemeris ascendant animations for incipient astrologers. Precession of the equinoxes from Ophiuchus to Cetus. The Age of Orion and the killer Stargate. Drac & 2002 MS2. Sarah Palin at the killer Stargate. Vampire objects across the galactic center. The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary astrology. The Axis of Evil and Dark Flow in the Age of Hydra. Personal soul precession horoscope. The Age of Osiris versus Gemini. Moon in Orion, the WTC and precession of the horoscope. Precession of gods in sacred astrology. The 15 stations of the Sun in the natal horoscope. Galactic ascendant in royal marriage astrology. Progressing galactic relationship charts. Masonic presidents. George Bush, Nephthys and Canis Minor. Sarah Palin and killer Drac. Secondary angular direction of Eris in Pavo and the American dark totems. USA Dark Flux. Moon in Auriga and Venus in Orion as markers in secondary angular Stargate direction. Natal Sun in Orion in the Age of Cetus. The precession of the soul in the Age of Osiris. Stargate directions. Primary and secondary angular direction of the Stargates. Reformed Egyptian astrology: Osiris ascendant and the precession of the Stargates. Ascendant Unicorn established as main mediator between the Age of Osiris and Leo. 10 minutes astrology initiation for children: predict your own marriage in seconds. Precessed secondary angular directions in the Academic Zodiac environment. Precessed directions. Ephemeris for the ascendant. Precession in daily astrology. Precession of the Stargates as defined in the personal horoscope. Horizon- galactic dynamism in astrology. The precession of the galactic horoscope. Dark Flow integrated with the Axis of Evil and the Stargates. The Seal of the USA, 2012, London, UFOs, Galactic Federation, Lyra and the dollar: The horoscope of the Great Seal of the U.S.A. Basic vultures and gryphons in astrology. Eris Chiron dynamism and the great American crisis. Hydra tail and the civil war. Regulus occultation path in astrology and ascent of the secret NY Regulus lodge. U.S.A. ascendants: Cygnus, Serpens, Aquila and Lyra. galax versus precessed ascendant. Egyptian 3800 BC synastry as seen through the Academic Zodiac. Egyptian horoscope for the U.S.A., Iris and Ipy dynamism. Stargate progression 2012. Vultures in the American horoscope. Kabiria Publications. Reptilian v/s ornithological. Ornithological astrology follows on the trail of reptilian astrology. Kingdom of Ra Ver Neith Nubthi as partly published on Youtube. Kabiria established. ET IN KABIRIA LEGO announces the New astrologer. Who is he and when does he come? Dark twin horoscope in reptilian astrology. The stranger within intrudes into your own choices. Detailed astrology of the Killer Galaxy, Stargate of Hell and Galactic Center. Sarah Palin Drac. Is her Venus in Hydra compatible with your Mars in Cetus? How do your Stargates cooperate? The dark side of the horoscope. Someone you never knew (but suspected?) lives within you. Stargate activation. When is your Stargate active? Secondary angular direction of the Stargate. Reptilian love affairs. what happens when two reptilian horoscopes meet? Hydra directions. The intersection of the Dark Flux with the Axis of Evil as alternative Stargate. Prosperity astrology. Discreating financial crisis while establishing collective prosperity. Dark twin horoscope. Using the Axis of Evil. Timing the Dark Flux for gain on the market. 16 versus Hydra. Reptilian Synastry upgrade. Deucalion/Ceto new moon and global floods. Annunaki and the outer guardians. Travel schedule with the help of the Dark Flux. Eris across the Dark Flux. Eris in Centaurus and the Red Ring of Life. The progression of the American ascendant from reptilian to plumed. Serpens & Aquila. Mexican heraldry. Aquila snatches Serpens. Occult symbolism of national ascendants. Your other horoscope. The stranger within gets his own natal chart. Dark twin horoscope, the Dark Flux and Axis of Evil as shade and projection. Plummeted ascendants. Birds and reptilian DNA in horoscopes of giants. Dark planet Dagon in the horoscope of giants. Dark horoscope and the Loa. Reptilian astrology test. Are you reptilian? Masonic constellations in astrology. Keanu Reeves and Mercury in Sextans. 2002 MS4 as masonic currents in Serpens Cauda. The 4 rulers of the U.S.A. Quaoar in Ophiuchus at the 12th cusp of the horoscope of the U.S.A. The Annunaki cycle and outer guardians, an expansion of the da Vinci cycle for Eris. 2004 XP14 and the American elections. Quaoar in Ophiuchus as mainstream propaganda. Juno in Scutum and the new masonic order for chaste women. The female white front. Lacerta in business horoscopes. Meridian constellations in reptilian financial astrology. Plumed Serpent across the American ascendant. DNA ascendants i scientific astrology. Chariklo and the red ring of life at the Dark Flux and axis of Evil crossing. The Union of the Snake. Exposing the list of countries with reptilian ascendantsxi. Serpens versus Hydra. The clash between reptilian races and American Civil War II. Alexandrian plot. The dark fraction, RA Moses' 22 zodiac and the treason of Ptolemy. SIRIVS Lodge and the Owl in masonic heraldry. Ramming astrology. The Temple of the Snake. Bohemian Grove astrology. Solstice of the Owl. The Philadelphia telescope and new American masonry. Plot within the Lodge. The Mexican heraldry plot. Aquila versus Serpens. Maximilian and the Vatican. Expansion of Pepin the Short through Hapsburg and Vatican. The 7 Hills of Hydra. Sextans and the Stargate in Vatican's horoscopes. Sextans in all Russian horoscopes. The Vatican connection. All the U.S.A. presidents with reptilian ascendants. Barbara Crowley Bush. Sleeping agent. Lacerta an Draco in natal astrology. The second reptilian count. As above so below. The Great Snake in the sky. Hidden LA and the reptilian zodiac. Digging in the dirt. Reptilian astrology for Hollywood and its Hebrew legacy. Aquila and Lacerta in the horoscopes of CEOs and grand masons. The tycoon aspect. Reptilian ascendants in the agendas of the U.S.A. presidential candidates. Hidden reptilian ascendants of Italy, Vatican, the United Kingdom and U.S.A. Serpens and Hydra in heraldry, masonry and astrology. The 32nd degree temple. Reptilian astrology in Australian heraldry. Dorado precession and the Child. Two signs of error in European astrology presented as work of the Dark Lodge. Ptolemy debunked. The precession of the ascendants against the “fixed sky”. The 16 eastern ascendants as confronted with geomancy. illustrates the precession of the ascendants. The 22 letters of the Hebrew zodiac as enlivened within the Academic Zodiac. 32nd degree masonry astrology on youtube announcing the end of times. Hidden zodiacal cults in Europe. A note on Sun in Orion and Sun in Cetus. Zodiacal plot debunked down to the roots of antisemitism. Black swan operation. British court and writer David Icke confronted with reptilian astrology. Examples of Dark Flow and the Axis of Evil in Cartesian house direction. Witchallow and Witchollow projected into dark Flow. The Mordred effect. The horoscope has two primary axis, the Axis of Evil and experimental Dark Flow. The Axis of Evil has been rotated to the right around the Dark Flow midpoint. Eris and the dwarf planets have been directed along the Dark Flow. Secondary altitude direction along the Dark Flow. Dark Flow has been entered below the Axis of Evil. Experimenting with Dark Flow in Centaurus constellation. Chariklo and the red ring of life reactivated in Centaurus. WMAP cold spot directed by altitude. Cartesian house directions. Eridanus direction. Dioretsa as Sedna WMAP midpoint. Petition to UNICEF for children birth rights. Children have right to their true natal skies. Asyut Minya precession and the Kabiria concept in planetary exorcism. Nile precession maps and Stargate orientation in galactic astrology. Conception horoscope. The Night & Day house system has 24 houses. Third version of cabalistic attribution for the 22 zodiacal constellations. The progressive Hebrew zodiac as dwarf planets scale. 22 musical dwarf planets. Incantations, sigils and mantrae for the 64 main dwarf planets. Centaurs in theurgy. Elipinon is Asbolus. (Work in progress). 360 angel guardian stars receive dwarf planet attribution. Snow White and the seven dwarfs system. Dwarf planets for children. The dark planets are integrated into the Tree of Life in 16+1 fashion. Dozens of Centaurs attributed to the hidden Aethyrs around the Tree of Life. 64 dwarf planets assigned to the Tree of Life. Ain Soph problem solved. 32 dwarf planets assigned to the (A'aTz ChIIM) Tree of Life. Sun in Orion and Cetus implemented into native astrology and reformed Egyptian astrology. Cartesian house system implemented into native astronomy. The default is no house. Dwarf Planets in the 12 houses updated for the latest H =< 4 objects. Navaho and Hopi astronomy blended with Egyptian, e.g. Selquit & Rabbit Paws plug-in. Elevation equations compared between WTC and LHC. Timing catastrophe equation set. Monsters Typhon, Ceto and Logos updated for LHCxii. Makemake and Haumea updated. Haumea enters Bootes. Bailout. Iah congregation of planets. Spica Virginis bracketed. The fool's aspect. Bailout. Hydra tail and the decline of the Prince of Darkness. Where is hell located? A decade of economic decay, war lost and “socialistic capitalism”. 2008 KV42 full delineation published in the 12 houses. D zodiac defined. The first vampire zodiac. Cross grid with X zodiac. Pavo and Retuculum. 2008 KV42 Drac delineated along with Buffyxiii. Vampires in astrologyxiv. Outer guardians update. Horoscope for the Moon impact. Faustini-centric horoscope for the first impactxv. Tony Colaprete delays mission. Muddled results predicted. Islamic world alarmedxvi. Petition to Anthony Colaprete of NASA. Islamic apocalypse. '50 Moon nuke conspiracy disclosed. LCROSS mission swapped. 2009 Moon scheduled for double impact. Faustini crater. 2005 FY9 named Makemake. 2003 EL61 becomes Haumeaxvii. Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H -------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- 50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67 90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56 90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30 134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70 136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18 136199 2003 2003 UB313 Eris -1.24 136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48 Pluto is redefined as plutoid within the historical P Zodiac. A minor update for ex pseudo-classes of Earth co-orbitals, Apoheles and Outer Guardians. The Earth umbra is determined by house and major conjunctions, “Earth in the horoscope”. The Stargates have been aligned with supervoids along the Axis of Evil. The Bootes supervoid receives major status within the Axis of Evil. The WMAP cold spot in Eridanus is paired with the Bootes supervoid. The Axis of Evil has been determined as standard axis for every horoscope. Chinese Olympics with bad omens from Vesta, 2002 AW197, Orcus, Jupiter and Saturn. The 2006 – 2012 subprime mortgage crisis has been determined against the fall of the Fed. 2014 reestablished as focal year for the world crisisxviii and Christian apocalypse. Further global economic crisis announced for the year 2008. Subprime mortgage crisis happens as predicted by 2002 AW197. Black Monday. A special study is published concerning centaurs in the constellations of Centaurus and Lupus. Centauress nymph Chariklo has been associated with the discovery of alien life. The ring of life has been announced in the constellation of Centaurus. Alien life may be present on Titan as well as reddish centaurs and comets. Witchållowxix determines the date of the Armageddon according to military analysis. Witchållowxx has been directedxxi, assuming full role in astrological predictionxxii. Witchållowxxiii receives its delineation in the 12 housesxxiv (Night & Day house system). The WMAP cold spot is ascending in Eridanus. Witchållow introduced into astrology. The Dark Flux – Axis of Evil dynamism in Stargate astrology. Killer stargate. World economic crisis with 2002 AW197 in Hydra. Subprime mortgage crisis. Venus enters Hydraxxv with Jupiter in Ophiuchusxxvi, announcing the Antichrist. Mercury in Orionxxvii follows Mars in Cetus in the year 2007. The One who Comes is determined in 650 years. Age of Aquarius after Cetus III. All dwarf planetsxxviii with to H < 5 were delineated for the benefit of future astrologersxxix. The academic zodiac was introduced in August 2006 having 22 IAU constellations. Hydra tail and triune Cetus astrology. The three ages of Cetus. American civil war. Eris receives copious delineationxxx since its appearance as “Xena” (2003 UB313). The X Zodiacxxxi has been published on August 1st 2005 along with 2003 UB313. 2005 FY9, 2003 EL61, Orcus, Quaoar, Sedna, 2002 AW197 and Ixion delineated. Angel guardian and the precession of the ascendant. Occult rising star in personal dharma. Transneptunian Astrology upgrade. H < 4 with Eris in the 12 houses. The P Zodiac is valid conclusively with August 2006 as official Academic Zodiac. The planetocentric systemsxxxii receive their local zodiacs along with galactic nd ascendant sets. Transneptunes in Enochain Aethyrs. Web awards. I Ching Aspectarian integration. Eris displaced Pluto on the expanded Tree of Life. AIN SOPH redefined. Reality rendering becomes standard occult procedure. Instant magick for everyone. The Personal Cosmic Avatar in the RTRRT suite of instant magick initiationSecretary joined the RTRRT. The “outer guardians” have been delineated within the Nibiru Research project. All centaurs; SDO, cubewano, plutino, KBO; Apoheles & Earth coorbitals delineated. The Moon and Mercury received their zodiacal definitionxxxiii. Lunar, Mercurial and Venusian zodiacs. Martial zodiac. 13th Iovial intelligence. Venus delineated through the 21 constellationsxxxiv. The 17 dark planets with further purport. Lamia or Nemesis prominent. The Changes have been directed within the “I Ching Aspectarian”xxxv. Riccioli and LILIT VERA in modern times. Last observations of dark moon Lilith. Cassini Lilithxxxvi, the observed dark moon, delineation & elements disclosed. All centaur objectsxxxvii were delineated as discoveredxxxviii. Cassini Lilithxxxix, the observed darkmoon, delineation & elements disclosed. All centaur objectsxl were delineated as discoveredxli. The scientific zodiac and set of current ascendants has been re-determined. The ascendant of the U.S.A. has been determined as Serpens Caudaxlii. There are nearly 30 zodiacal constellationsxliii. The birth of the N Zodiac. Fed as determiend by Phoenix constellation. The Da Vincidetermiend with Phoenix constellation. The Da Vincy cycle. Reality rendering as planetary exorcism. Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology debunked. The set of meridian constellationsxliv as delineated for use in financial astrology. Planetocentric Astrology. Eros, comets and Phobos-centric horoscopes. The set of meridian constellationsxlv was delineated for use in financial astrology. Planetocentric experiments. Eros, comets, Phobos. NASA JPL HORIZONS. Detailed scanning of the Earth zodiac and local zodiac. Cruithne zodiac. The zodiac and ascendant set reformed in the famous half an hour. The academic zodiac research starts with Moon in Sextans. The reformation of Egyptian astrology. Early Egyptian synastry studies. The ascendants determined for the first dynasty. The precession of the ascendants. The set of ascendants for the current epochxlvi determined as 16 IAU constellations. Astrology debunked: three signs of error. NASA ephemeris versus superstition. The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools introduced as personal instant magick. 1992 QB1xlvii and centaur objectsxlviii Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus were delineated. The end of sidereal and tropical astrology. Vedic astrology upgrade with awards. The ephemeris for the sunxlix was determined according to IAU standards. Palden Dorje will announce himself with Venus in Sextans before Venus enters Hydra. Palden Dorje's natal Sun in Pisces hovers over the yet undiscovered evil of Eris in Cetus. Moon in Spica Virginis on Palden Dorje's horoscope intimates the cult of his divine Mother. Palden Dorje is born with Guru Jupiter at the Stargate and Moon Spica Virginis. Klaudio Zic Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
tarant8l il 02/12/08 alle 12:19 via WEB
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. ASTROLOGY 1990i – 2013ii Free from prejudices and miscalculations of the past, the magus-astrologer floats freely, precessing at will Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. The known bugs of the zodiac and ascendant set have been not only corrected, but a new system as depending solely on the real sky has been instilled into the eye of Horus. While superstitious horoscopes for the masses approach quarter of the sky (sic) of error, the magus-astrologer enjoys the real sky after eons of sheer miscalculation, that was notoriously forbidden by the true Lord. The material is available through and Palden Dorje is the long awaited Messiah who came as appointed with Jupiter in Ophiuchus. The avatar addressed the material world with intermediary Venus in Sextans, while retreating before the apocalyptic event of Venus in Hydra. The Maitreya plans to meditate through 2012 with Uranus in Cetus. His natal Sun hovers over Eris in Cetus, thus protecting the planet. His Guruiii Jupiter is at the Stargate, thus communicating the solar system to the native galaxy. Palden Dorje is the Messiah of the dark Age of Cetus III, with Sun hovering over Eris. Palden Dorje goes into retreat with Venus in Hydra, the position of the Antichrist. Palden Dorje addresses the material world precisely with Venus in Sextans. Palden Dorje's Purnima horoscope corrected for elevation, date and location. Version III. Live horoscope demonstration for Palden Dorje on As Jupiter travels from Stargate to Ophiuchus, the mission of Palden Dorje unfolds. Palden Dorje horoscope available on scribd, youtube, and Palden Dorje as tempted at the precise time of his 18th birthday. Further predictions reserved. Palden Dorje's Guru Jupiter at the Stargate as harmonized with Vatican and the UK. Palden Dorje precedes the Antichrist with a sermon at the time of Venus in Sextans. Palden Dorje is the Messiah as announced by the entrance of Jupiter in Ophiuchus. Sun in Pisces towering over Eris in Cetus marks the Lord of the New Æon, Palden Dorje. Chariklo at the galactic rim marks exceptional beauty in the new Buddha incarnation. Uranus enters Cetus in the year 2012. Palden Dorje plans to meditate through the apocalypse. Zodiacal basics and astrological information for incipient astrologers in the dark Age of Cetus III. The ascendant set and zodiac are separate units as in the real sky so in your own horoscope. The zodiac has precisely 22 constellations as confirming to IAU standards and the Tarot. The present ascendant set consists of 16 rising eastern constellations. The universal Cartesian house system has solved all housing problems for the colonsiv. Reality renderingv solves futurity correctionvi in creating events for the magus-astrologer. Finally the dream of every true astrologer has enlivened with the event of the true astronomic zodiac. Scientific astrology has greatly prospered since its birth in the year 1992vii. Its major achievements are the Academic Zodiac, the precessing set of eastern ascendants and universal Cartesian house system. The Academic Zodiac has 22 constellations, along with a precessing ascendant set as currently consisting in 16 constellations. One can render one's personal future at willviii. The publications and projects of interest are mainly intimated in reverse chronology. NASA is developing a new integration model as capable for accuracy beyond year 3000 BCix. Tipping the dragon scales. Hydra progressions in daily astrology. Nile precession and the spine. Daily progression of the 16 ascendants for wearable computers (project). Portable horary astrology. Reptilian extra-zodiacal astrology. The secrets of Draco. Ascension astrology in orgasm timing. Dating a reptilian. How does her Venus in Hydra act upon your mars in Cetus? Monster sex. Tipping the scales. Reptilian ascendants in daily life. Sexual peaks using Reptilian Astrology VI. Ascendant compatibility. Hydra versus neighbors and opponents. Short versus long constellations. Marriage calculator for adolescents as plug-in for the 22/16 system. Supports dating astrology. Aboriginal astrology on spacecraft. Who were the first astrologers? Alien origin of intelligence. One minute astrology for children with instant prediction manual. Stock exchange for kids. Alien ascendants compilation for near objects and axillary moons. Spacecraft astrology for Cruithne colons and baby delivery in outer space. Alien guardian angels. Sun and the planets in 88 constellations. 88 ascendants in solar system astrology. Kabirian ascendants. Astrology of the inner man. Your true self in the stars. Stellar origin of the soul. Mars Venus galactic midpoint and Stargate dynamism in the galactic chart of the USA. USA Stargate Map dynamism. The galactic ascendant versus the stargates in the year 2012. The Grand Orient from Age of Orion to Age of Cetus. Astrological orientation in masonry. Masonic lodge orientation according to the Seal, Reptilia and ornithology. New Precession series launched on November 23rd with Sun in Librax, Sai Baba's birthday. Cygnus and Lyra in American occult astrology. Galactic ascendant and the Federation. The Irish ascendant of the USA. Galactic ascendant progressions in Irish landscape astrology. Nile precession and Stargate orientation in Nubian galactic astrology. Cygnus and USA. Progressions of the galactic ascendant. Ornithological astrology of the USA. Galactic astrology 2012. London and the Great Seal of the USA. Lyran occultation. Regulus occultation and the New York lodge. The dark reign of the golden infant. The main 32 dwarf planets in marriage astrology. The seventh galactic house. The Hydra seal of Great Britain. Royal reptilian horoscopes and precession of the Unicorn. British court and reptilian descendants in royal marriage horoscopes. Prince William. Reptilian heraldry. The Last Unicorn and the great Hydra swindle in British Ahriman masonry. Mundane precession patterns in astrology in the Age of Cetus. Orion kills the Gemini twins. Galactic ascendant in planetocentric astrology. Juno-centric analysis of marriage charts. Progression of the galactic ascendant in soul mate horoscopes. Galactic ascendant in Stargate dynamism. Killer galaxy, Galactic center and Stargate of Evil. The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary. Gryphon and vulture in basic American astrology. Reptilian dynamism of the Great Seal. Precession in natal astrology. Natal patterns, dark cults and the discreation of the wheel time. Procession of the main great holes along the Axis of Evil from Bible to the Dark Flux abysmal. Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology, superstition, lie and the devil in personal dharma. Progressions of the ascendant. Ephemeris ascendant animations for incipient astrologers. Precession of the equinoxes from Ophiuchus to Cetus. The Age of Orion and the killer Stargate. Drac & 2002 MS2. Sarah Palin at the killer Stargate. Vampire objects across the galactic center. The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary astrology. The Axis of Evil and Dark Flow in the Age of Hydra. Personal soul precession horoscope. The Age of Osiris versus Gemini. Moon in Orion, the WTC and precession of the horoscope. Precession of gods in sacred astrology. The 15 stations of the Sun in the natal horoscope. Galactic ascendant in royal marriage astrology. Progressing galactic relationship charts. Masonic presidents. George Bush, Nephthys and Canis Minor. Sarah Palin and killer Drac. Secondary angular direction of Eris in Pavo and the American dark totems. USA Dark Flux. Moon in Auriga and Venus in Orion as markers in secondary angular Stargate direction. Natal Sun in Orion in the Age of Cetus. The precession of the soul in the Age of Osiris. Stargate directions. Primary and secondary angular direction of the Stargates. Reformed Egyptian astrology: Osiris ascendant and the precession of the Stargates. Ascendant Unicorn established as main mediator between the Age of Osiris and Leo. 10 minutes astrology initiation for children: predict your own marriage in seconds. Precessed secondary angular directions in the Academic Zodiac environment. Precessed directions. Ephemeris for the ascendant. Precession in daily astrology. Precession of the Stargates as defined in the personal horoscope. Horizon- galactic dynamism in astrology. The precession of the galactic horoscope. Dark Flow integrated with the Axis of Evil and the Stargates. The Seal of the USA, 2012, London, UFOs, Galactic Federation, Lyra and the dollar: The horoscope of the Great Seal of the U.S.A. Basic vultures and gryphons in astrology. Eris Chiron dynamism and the great American crisis. Hydra tail and the civil war. Regulus occultation path in astrology and ascent of the secret NY Regulus lodge. U.S.A. ascendants: Cygnus, Serpens, Aquila and Lyra. galax versus precessed ascendant. Egyptian 3800 BC synastry as seen through the Academic Zodiac. Egyptian horoscope for the U.S.A., Iris and Ipy dynamism. Stargate progression 2012. Vultures in the American horoscope. Kabiria Publications. Reptilian v/s ornithological. Ornithological astrology follows on the trail of reptilian astrology. Kingdom of Ra Ver Neith Nubthi as partly published on Youtube. Kabiria established. ET IN KABIRIA LEGO announces the New astrologer. Who is he and when does he come? Dark twin horoscope in reptilian astrology. The stranger within intrudes into your own choices. Detailed astrology of the Killer Galaxy, Stargate of Hell and Galactic Center. Sarah Palin Drac. Is her Venus in Hydra compatible with your Mars in Cetus? How do your Stargates cooperate? The dark side of the horoscope. Someone you never knew (but suspected?) lives within you. Stargate activation. When is your Stargate active? Secondary angular direction of the Stargate. Reptilian love affairs. what happens when two reptilian horoscopes meet? Hydra directions. The intersection of the Dark Flux with the Axis of Evil as alternative Stargate. Prosperity astrology. Discreating financial crisis while establishing collective prosperity. Dark twin horoscope. Using the Axis of Evil. Timing the Dark Flux for gain on the market. 16 versus Hydra. Reptilian Synastry upgrade. Deucalion/Ceto new moon and global floods. Annunaki and the outer guardians. Travel schedule with the help of the Dark Flux. Eris across the Dark Flux. Eris in Centaurus and the Red Ring of Life. The progression of the American ascendant from reptilian to plumed. Serpens & Aquila. Mexican heraldry. Aquila snatches Serpens. Occult symbolism of national ascendants. Your other horoscope. The stranger within gets his own natal chart. Dark twin horoscope, the Dark Flux and Axis of Evil as shade and projection. Plummeted ascendants. Birds and reptilian DNA in horoscopes of giants. Dark planet Dagon in the horoscope of giants. Dark horoscope and the Loa. Reptilian astrology test. Are you reptilian? Masonic constellations in astrology. Keanu Reeves and Mercury in Sextans. 2002 MS4 as masonic currents in Serpens Cauda. The 4 rulers of the U.S.A. Quaoar in Ophiuchus at the 12th cusp of the horoscope of the U.S.A. The Annunaki cycle and outer guardians, an expansion of the da Vinci cycle for Eris. 2004 XP14 and the American elections. Quaoar in Ophiuchus as mainstream propaganda. Juno in Scutum and the new masonic order for chaste women. The female white front. Lacerta in business horoscopes. Meridian constellations in reptilian financial astrology. Plumed Serpent across the American ascendant. DNA ascendants i scientific astrology. Chariklo and the red ring of life at the Dark Flux and axis of Evil crossing. The Union of the Snake. Exposing the list of countries with reptilian ascendantsxi. Serpens versus Hydra. The clash between reptilian races and American Civil War II. Alexandrian plot. The dark fraction, RA Moses' 22 zodiac and the treason of Ptolemy. SIRIVS Lodge and the Owl in masonic heraldry. Ramming astrology. The Temple of the Snake. Bohemian Grove astrology. Solstice of the Owl. The Philadelphia telescope and new American masonry. Plot within the Lodge. The Mexican heraldry plot. Aquila versus Serpens. Maximilian and the Vatican. Expansion of Pepin the Short through Hapsburg and Vatican. The 7 Hills of Hydra. Sextans and the Stargate in Vatican's horoscopes. Sextans in all Russian horoscopes. The Vatican connection. All the U.S.A. presidents with reptilian ascendants. Barbara Crowley Bush. Sleeping agent. Lacerta an Draco in natal astrology. The second reptilian count. As above so below. The Great Snake in the sky. Hidden LA and the reptilian zodiac. Digging in the dirt. Reptilian astrology for Hollywood and its Hebrew legacy. Aquila and Lacerta in the horoscopes of CEOs and grand masons. The tycoon aspect. Reptilian ascendants in the agendas of the U.S.A. presidential candidates. Hidden reptilian ascendants of Italy, Vatican, the United Kingdom and U.S.A. Serpens and Hydra in heraldry, masonry and astrology. The 32nd degree temple. Reptilian astrology in Australian heraldry. Dorado precession and the Child. Two signs of error in European astrology presented as work of the Dark Lodge. Ptolemy debunked. The precession of the ascendants against the “fixed sky”. The 16 eastern ascendants as confronted with geomancy. illustrates the precession of the ascendants. The 22 letters of the Hebrew zodiac as enlivened within the Academic Zodiac. 32nd degree masonry astrology on youtube announcing the end of times. Hidden zodiacal cults in Europe. A note on Sun in Orion and Sun in Cetus. Zodiacal plot debunked down to the roots of antisemitism. Black swan operation. British court and writer David Icke confronted with reptilian astrology. Examples of Dark Flow and the Axis of Evil in Cartesian house direction. Witchallow and Witchollow projected into dark Flow. The Mordred effect. The horoscope has two primary axis, the Axis of Evil and experimental Dark Flow. The Axis of Evil has been rotated to the right around the Dark Flow midpoint. Eris and the dwarf planets have been directed along the Dark Flow. Secondary altitude direction along the Dark Flow. Dark Flow has been entered below the Axis of Evil. Experimenting with Dark Flow in Centaurus constellation. Chariklo and the red ring of life reactivated in Centaurus. WMAP cold spot directed by altitude. Cartesian house directions. Eridanus direction. Dioretsa as Sedna WMAP midpoint. Petition to UNICEF for children birth rights. Children have right to their true natal skies. Asyut Minya precession and the Kabiria concept in planetary exorcism. Nile precession maps and Stargate orientation in galactic astrology. Conception horoscope. The Night & Day house system has 24 houses. Third version of cabalistic attribution for the 22 zodiacal constellations. The progressive Hebrew zodiac as dwarf planets scale. 22 musical dwarf planets. Incantations, sigils and mantrae for the 64 main dwarf planets. Centaurs in theurgy. Elipinon is Asbolus. (Work in progress). 360 angel guardian stars receive dwarf planet attribution. Snow White and the seven dwarfs system. Dwarf planets for children. The dark planets are integrated into the Tree of Life in 16+1 fashion. Dozens of Centaurs attributed to the hidden Aethyrs around the Tree of Life. 64 dwarf planets assigned to the Tree of Life. Ain Soph problem solved. 32 dwarf planets assigned to the (A'aTz ChIIM) Tree of Life. Sun in Orion and Cetus implemented into native astrology and reformed Egyptian astrology. Cartesian house system implemented into native astronomy. The default is no house. Dwarf Planets in the 12 houses updated for the latest H =< 4 objects. Navaho and Hopi astronomy blended with Egyptian, e.g. Selquit & Rabbit Paws plug-in. Elevation equations compared between WTC and LHC. Timing catastrophe equation set. Monsters Typhon, Ceto and Logos updated for LHCxii. Makemake and Haumea updated. Haumea enters Bootes. Bailout. Iah congregation of planets. Spica Virginis bracketed. The fool's aspect. Bailout. Hydra tail and the decline of the Prince of Darkness. Where is hell located? A decade of economic decay, war lost and “socialistic capitalism”. 2008 KV42 full delineation published in the 12 houses. D zodiac defined. The first vampire zodiac. Cross grid with X zodiac. Pavo and Retuculum. 2008 KV42 Drac delineated along with Buffyxiii. Vampires in astrologyxiv. Outer guardians update. Horoscope for the Moon impact. Faustini-centric horoscope for the first impactxv. Tony Colaprete delays mission. Muddled results predicted. Islamic world alarmedxvi. Petition to Anthony Colaprete of NASA. Islamic apocalypse. '50 Moon nuke conspiracy disclosed. LCROSS mission swapped. 2009 Moon scheduled for double impact. Faustini crater. 2005 FY9 named Makemake. 2003 EL61 becomes Haumeaxvii. Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H -------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- 50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67 90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56 90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30 134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70 136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18 136199 2003 2003 UB313 Eris -1.24 136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48 Pluto is redefined as plutoid within the historical P Zodiac. A minor update for ex pseudo-classes of Earth co-orbitals, Apoheles and Outer Guardians. The Earth umbra is determined by house and major conjunctions, “Earth in the horoscope”. The Stargates have been aligned with supervoids along the Axis of Evil. The Bootes supervoid receives major status within the Axis of Evil. The WMAP cold spot in Eridanus is paired with the Bootes supervoid. The Axis of Evil has been determined as standard axis for every horoscope. Chinese Olympics with bad omens from Vesta, 2002 AW197, Orcus, Jupiter and Saturn. The 2006 – 2012 subprime mortgage crisis has been determined against the fall of the Fed. 2014 reestablished as focal year for the world crisisxviii and Christian apocalypse. Further global economic crisis announced for the year 2008. Subprime mortgage crisis happens as predicted by 2002 AW197. Black Monday. A special study is published concerning centaurs in the constellations of Centaurus and Lupus. Centauress nymph Chariklo has been associated with the discovery of alien life. The ring of life has been announced in the constellation of Centaurus. Alien life may be present on Titan as well as reddish centaurs and comets. Witchållowxix determines the date of the Armageddon according to military analysis. Witchållowxx has been directedxxi, assuming full role in astrological predictionxxii. Witchållowxxiii receives its delineation in the 12 housesxxiv (Night & Day house system). The WMAP cold spot is ascending in Eridanus. Witchållow introduced into astrology. The Dark Flux – Axis of Evil dynamism in Stargate astrology. Killer stargate. World economic crisis with 2002 AW197 in Hydra. Subprime mortgage crisis. Venus enters Hydraxxv with Jupiter in Ophiuchusxxvi, announcing the Antichrist. Mercury in Orionxxvii follows Mars in Cetus in the year 2007. The One who Comes is determined in 650 years. Age of Aquarius after Cetus III. All dwarf planetsxxviii with to H < 5 were delineated for the benefit of future astrologersxxix. The academic zodiac was introduced in August 2006 having 22 IAU constellations. Hydra tail and triune Cetus astrology. The three ages of Cetus. American civil war. Eris receives copious delineationxxx since its appearance as “Xena” (2003 UB313). The X Zodiacxxxi has been published on August 1st 2005 along with 2003 UB313. 2005 FY9, 2003 EL61, Orcus, Quaoar, Sedna, 2002 AW197 and Ixion delineated. Angel guardian and the precession of the ascendant. Occult rising star in personal dharma. Transneptunian Astrology upgrade. H < 4 with Eris in the 12 houses. The P Zodiac is valid conclusively with August 2006 as official Academic Zodiac. The planetocentric systemsxxxii receive their local zodiacs along with galactic nd ascendant sets. Transneptunes in Enochain Aethyrs. Web awards. I Ching Aspectarian integration. Eris displaced Pluto on the expanded Tree of Life. AIN SOPH redefined. Reality rendering becomes standard occult procedure. Instant magick for everyone. The Personal Cosmic Avatar in the RTRRT suite of instant magick initiationSecretary joined the RTRRT. The “outer guardians” have been delineated within the Nibiru Research project. All centaurs; SDO, cubewano, plutino, KBO; Apoheles & Earth coorbitals delineated. The Moon and Mercury received their zodiacal definitionxxxiii. Lunar, Mercurial and Venusian zodiacs. Martial zodiac. 13th Iovial intelligence. Venus delineated through the 21 constellationsxxxiv. The 17 dark planets with further purport. Lamia or Nemesis prominent. The Changes have been directed within the “I Ching Aspectarian”xxxv. Riccioli and LILIT VERA in modern times. Last observations of dark moon Lilith. Cassini Lilithxxxvi, the observed dark moon, delineation & elements disclosed. All centaur objectsxxxvii were delineated as discoveredxxxviii. Cassini Lilithxxxix, the observed darkmoon, delineation & elements disclosed. All centaur objectsxl were delineated as discoveredxli. The scientific zodiac and set of current ascendants has been re-determined. The ascendant of the U.S.A. has been determined as Serpens Caudaxlii. There are nearly 30 zodiacal constellationsxliii. The birth of the N Zodiac. Fed as determiend by Phoenix constellation. The Da Vincidetermiend with Phoenix constellation. The Da Vincy cycle. Reality rendering as planetary exorcism. Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology debunked. The set of meridian constellationsxliv as delineated for use in financial astrology. Planetocentric Astrology. Eros, comets and Phobos-centric horoscopes. The set of meridian constellationsxlv was delineated for use in financial astrology. Planetocentric experiments. Eros, comets, Phobos. NASA JPL HORIZONS. Detailed scanning of the Earth zodiac and local zodiac. Cruithne zodiac. The zodiac and ascendant set reformed in the famous half an hour. The academic zodiac research starts with Moon in Sextans. The reformation of Egyptian astrology. Early Egyptian synastry studies. The ascendants determined for the first dynasty. The precession of the ascendants. The set of ascendants for the current epochxlvi determined as 16 IAU constellations. Astrology debunked: three signs of error. NASA ephemeris versus superstition. The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools introduced as personal instant magick. 1992 QB1xlvii and centaur objectsxlviii Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus were delineated. The end of sidereal and tropical astrology. Vedic astrology upgrade with awards. The ephemeris for the sunxlix was determined according to IAU standards. Palden Dorje will announce himself with Venus in Sextans before Venus enters Hydra. Palden Dorje's natal Sun in Pisces hovers over the yet undiscovered evil of Eris in Cetus. Moon in Spica Virginis on Palden Dorje's horoscope intimates the cult of his divine Mother. Palden Dorje is born with Guru Jupiter at the Stargate and Moon Spica Virginis. Klaudio Zic Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law. This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
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