Tantrik Astrologer

Tantrik Astrologer

BOOKS BY MAHAYOGI PARAMAHAMSA GURU DR.RUPNATHJI ( DR.RUPAK NATH ).Dr.Rupnathji is a scholar who has earned the Master's Degree in Radiation Physics. Recipient of many medals and honours, He is at once a Physician, an astrophysicist and an applied mathematician. He is an author who has numerous publications, both technical and educational. He is a Professor and has been Distinguished Honors Visiting Lecturer at numerous universities throughout the World.Please see his Books.http://tantrikastrologer2.wordpress.com/2013/05/16/tantrik-astrologer/http://blogs.rediff.com/tantrikastrologer/2013/05/16/astrologer/http://in.linkedin.com/pub/silchar-medical-scientist/44/58b/612http://in.linkedin.com/pub/silchar-medicine-scientist/44/588/b3bhttp://in.linkedin.com/pub/silchar-astrologer-spiritual-guru/44/590/727ABOVE ATTACHED PHOTOS & TEXT LINKS ARE IN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION OF GURU DR.RUPNATHJI ( DR.RUPAK NATH ).Dr.Rupnathji is a scholar who has earned the Master's Degree in Radiation Physics. Recipient of many medals and honours, He is at once a Physician, an astrophysicist and an applied mathematician. He is an author who has numerous publications, both technical and educational. He is a Professor and has been Distinguished Honors Visiting Lecturer at numerous universities throughout the World.Ancient Indian history, geology and archaeology also attracted his attention. Besides Medicinal Science, he is keenly interested in ancient Indian philosophy. Rupnathji is more than a scientist. He is a physicist-philosopher as well versed in Sanskrit, English Hindi and Bengali literature as in physics.University Professor Language Specialist Dr.Rupnathji ( Dr.Rupak Nath ) is an Expert in Sanskrit Grammer. Rupnathji is the collector and publisher of many old works, author of many research articles, a noted historiographer, and recipient of a number of awards and titles.Besides the knowledge of Sadhnas, Tantra, Mantra and Yantra, he resurrected Astrology to its past glory by making astoundingly precise forecasts in general and for individuals; and he authored no less than 1200 books on this subject. He was an authority on Allopathy and set up special farms to grow the almost extinct herbs. Many disciples mastered the science of Ayurveda under him. Apart from Astrology, He authored more than 750 books on diverse subjects like Sadhnas, Kundalini Tantra, Palmistry, Paarad Vigyan (alchemy), Hypnotism, Meditation, Numerology, Allopathy , Signature Analysis, Yoga and other subjects of the spiritual field. He has also released hundreds of audio and video cassettes to detail the exact procedures of performing worship and to record the authentic sound vibration and pronunciation of the Mantras. Many of his articles have been published in leading newspapers and magazines. He accomplished significant spiritual and religious ceremonies at various religious places of pilgrimage in India and thus re-established the religious and historical significance of these places in the society. He presided over various Tantra and Mantra conferences and is recognized as the pillar stone of the field of the Tantra. He has been honoured with several titles of recognition in various fields. He was honoured with the title of "Maha Mahopadhyay" in 1995 by the then vicepresident of India. He was honoured with the title of "Samaj Shiromani" in 1999 by the then Vice-President of India. In 1998, he was honoured by the then Prime Minister of Nepal, for his unique and singular work in the social and religious fields. He was nominated as the President of the World Astrology Conference from amongst representatives of various countries in 1999 and has been nominated as President of most of the All India Astrology Conferences organised since 1997. He was honoured with the title of "Tantra Shiromani" by the Parapsychological Council in 1997. He was honoured with the title of "Mantra Shiromani" by the Mantra Sansthan in 1998. Maha Yogi Paramahamsa Dr.Rupnathji attained great respect, both in India and abroad, and was honoured with many spiritual titles, among others the Hindu Dharma Samrat, which means the upholder of Sat Sanathan Dharma, the eternal ruling "religion" which is above all "confessions" and connects and unites all living beings.Please see his Books.