On foul mood

 I'm clearly writing for myself and myself alone. That's a fact. So in the end, who cares? If I'm thinking up something in my adoptive language, as I often do, I'll just put it down as it comes. No one else is ever going to read it anyway.So, back to my thoughts. I realize that sure enough I need to change a few bits of my typical attitude. It sort of dawned on me that my raw, unchecked hatred for all those stinking humans that crawl around everywhere I go, might occasionally be somewhat misplaced. Or, to put it otherwise, true as it may be that a good 90 per cent, well ok let's say 99 per cent of them, fully deserve my unrestrained loathing, there still is someone in that 1 per cent left who doesn't, and whom I could even come to find a lovely person.On occasions, as I said, I feel like, whilst pouring out my anger on a self-sustained momentum, I happen to treat poorly someone in the heat of the moment who maybe doesn't deserve it. And I don't like that sort of shit. I may be a misanthrope, but I don't want to hurt a thing, least of all someone I might even consider a decent human being, given that those already appear to be an endangered species.So, bear that in mind, dude, in the future. Don't lose sight of the ultimate goal, which isn't anything like spitting on everyone at arm's lenght, but rather to get to eventually establish some contact with those sparse kindred souls who are likewise stranded out there.