
 All truth has always established itself through three stages:1) It is ridiculed,2) It is fiercely opposed, and3) it is finally accepted as self-evident.History speaks for itself.Therefore I'm not put off by anyone who tries to ridicule or crush me in the hypocritical, self-righteous yet misguided way that is so typical of those who can shout out loud their nonsense confident that they're backed by a majority of 'sensible' people. Safety is in numbers, as they say, but hardly ever is truth. Pursuing truth takes far more than bigoted opportunism. I'm backed by none, as far as I know, but I don't care: that doesn't deter me from saying honestly what I think and feel, no matter how outlandish it may sound to the brain-washed populace. And sure it takes some courage and integrity to express oneself in such way.