Flatmate from hell

 We now have a Scouser in the house. This bloke certainly does nothing in the way of debunking the stereotype of the typical English worthless scumbag, the sort that I have encountered many times before. In fact he's positively put me off the idea of ever seeing Liverpool.To put it mildly, life was a breeze in the house without him. There are certain breeds of people that I just cannot stand, like the overweight, the lazy, the vulgar, the worthless, the hedonist, the retard, the shit-eater, the shit-talker, and he manages to gather them all into a single (repugnant) body. This guy, apparently, has no other interest in life than playing online games, all day, non-stop. And when he's not on a game he's got some music playing, the sort that would make one lose the will to live (some shit heavy metal: I used to be neutral on the genre, but now I'm off for good). Like all retards of his ilk, he doesn't see a problem in ramming it down the ears of everyone else in the house.He's a complete bullshitter, but even at that he's totally rubbish. One can spot the nonsense in his talk right away. And he'll do this and do that, but then he'll do none of it. But the really annoying bit is the laughter: he laughs like a complete moron. It reminds me how the way someone laughs is always a dead giveaway of their wits.I knew from day one that this unnatural coexistence was headed for heavy weather. In the beginning I swallowed my disgust and did the remotely friendly small talk that I usually do when I have no other choice, but I sort of knew I would blow up sooner or later. And it happened: it always happens when I positively dislike someone. The funny thing about these domestic rifts (or any other rifts) is that in our arguments we always focus on abstract, objective issues like noise and mess, whereas the only real, fundamental reason that's seeding the friction is the dislike.This is so true with me, being as I am so quick and final in my dislikes, but also with everybody else, human nature being what it is. When two people argue they may be throwing all sort of rational accuses to each other, but what at least one of them is really saying is simply: "I so dislike you."