Remì e Alicudi

My story in can see all my photos in italian posts

Hello, I am Remì from Alicudi  I'd like to meet again many of the friends who came to visit me during their holidays, but unfortunately, after what has happened to me in late September, I don't think I can ever see you again in Alicudi, indeed I hope they have the good fortune to spend in the future, their holidays in places where the people are more lovely and less criminal and violent Few of you have know my mother when she was alive, because she lived like my dad and many of their ancestors in the Alicudi that usually everybody seen only from the sea ... all rugged and beautiful: the "sciare" They were free, hungry and thirsty, because some "breeders" as lazy and unwilling (but to take loans and get fresh meat ... for free ... that is without work ...) and took them to Alicudi, rather than scramble to deal with of them, left them free to wreak havoc on the island that now it is increasingly consumed by erosion. Thus destroying the strong men of mammoth job and workshops in the past had fought effectively with this phenomenon, with a meticulous work of the terraces, as well as make it fertile farmland in most of its extent, or preserve the precious ecosystem. In recent years, even for take meat from our bodies, sometimes they burn our bare "pasture" to force us to enter into a trap made of specially placed fishing nets, where they often remain entangled even hawks (concerned with the carcasses of trapped animals, but not recovered because of laziness), gulls (which lay eggs in those areas ... etc.) which are completely disregarding the dangers of uncontrolled fire can pose to the lives of humans, animals, rare endemic plants, trees, and the gardens of people struggling (having chosen this corner of paradise "(?) is able to cultivate this land rich but hostile, often, already prey of raids of my ancestors.  My mom and my dad had been taken from these looters and poachers (also often make use of leghold traps etc.) with me and my brother, born recently in a compound, waiting for death (often procured by horrendous makeshift weapon, for meat to be sold to unsuspecting tourists, not for their personal consumption!). Fortunately, a "friend" bought pity on us, to avoid to be cruelly killed by people who do not even know the rules any way to butchery. So, finally, me, my brother, my mom and my dad had a house, grass, water, salt and even affectionate friendsUnfortunately, after a while, my new friend, wanting to defend the island's beauty, put himself in a bad light with ruthless and unscrupulous persons, by reacting (in the manner typical of these beautiful islands) a denounciation for various havoc environment (which, thanks to several rounds of "favors" have never been followed ...!), the night of April 17, 2009 were horribly cut the throat of my mother, my father and my brother ... I can't remember how In the confusion and terror, I managed to escape this horrible massacre ...  The next morning, as my friend had left, the friend who had brought us dinner and lunch the day before, found me ... trembling ... I squeezed the neck ... cut ...of my mom ... she was still turgid of milk ... that I could not drink ... In the days following, these and other friends tried to get me to drink artificial milk and eat soft and varied grass, but ... the violence, all that blood, so much wickedness, were in front of my eyes, and in spite of their best efforts i could not eat. ... .. I was trembling!  Only after about a week I managed to drink some artificial milk, carefully warmed that took me all day and then also to eat a little grass ...  After so much horror, my friends promised me that I would never have been eaten and that I would serenely aged in their company. So I spent a happy year and a half, almost spoiled by the many delicacies that made me pricked the ears and wag the tail like a puppy. I was always full of friends and sure I would never have suffered the violence I had seen often on so many other animals of the island. I could now play and "laugh". Sometimes I hide ... They look for me and then I called them ... as soon as I saw that they would go away without giving me a little surprise ... (when they brought the bean, pumpkin pieces, raisins or other delicacies was a holiday and they saw this and were happy with me). I knew they were looking for a girlfriend but it was very difficult.  Twice in the summer of 2009 someone... bad ... liberated me to make me run away and to hurt my friends. I had hidden for fear of bad, but then when my friends called me, I'll be right there with them, because I was happy and I felt safe. One day in the end of September 2010, some very bad people, after giving notice once again to my friend to withdraw and take back his denounciation, have ordered them to others similar to kidnap me and so they took me as far as they could without being seen and massacre me with sticks and stones .... my friend was calling me desperately, my other friend was traveling and also many other friends were far away. The screams of my friend reassured me and gave me the strength to answer, putting together the little energy I had left and trying to survive despite the excruciating pain and suffering, helpless to take me to collapse. After a day and a half of desperate and difficult researching, my friend has found me tied up to a tree ... I felt so bad, but I tried to follow him ... I suffered ... I had lost any form of joy ... then I did not more ... he took me home on his back ... sometimes had to stop, he was exhausted ... He wished  me good night, happy to have me find again and leaving me so many delicacies found to alleviate my suffering, but I could not eat and before he came back to me early in the morning ... I flew in the sky.