Creato da piero.gobetti il 29/09/2009


E-twinning between Latvia and Italy




Post n°7 pubblicato il 10 Ottobre 2009 da martypotter

Hi everyone I'm Martina and I'm one of prof. Picciati's student...I would tell you that my english is not very good,so sorry if i'l make some horrible grammar mistakes!!:)

Every time that I have to write,I really don't know what to say...But I'll try to write something :)...

I really like this opportunity to write to you guys and (I hope) to meet you someday...It could be interesting to meet, to visit our countries ad to have fun together...!

Well,I really don't know what to say anymore...I hope you (and mr Picciati too) will like my post and appreciate my affort too...:D

Hope to have news from you soon!!

Bye, Martina.


Welcome to Scandiano

Post n°6 pubblicato il 09 Ottobre 2009 da vando92

Hello! I' m Gabriele and I'm another paolo picciati's student. I will be very happy to see your country and I hope that you think the same thing. Scandiano isn't a big city but it is very cool and people who live here will be glad to receive you! We want know a lot of things about you and your costumes... bye bye


Hi from Scandiano

Post n°5 pubblicato il 09 Ottobre 2009 da gere92

Hello, I'm Davide from Scandiano and i'm also a Paolo Picciati's student.

I think the project that my art's history teacher has proposed it's very intresting and beautiful too. Well I'm exciting to go to your country, because I and my class can know and see new and beautiful places, people and cities!!! I hope that we can meet soon!!

Bye bye



Post n°4 pubblicato il 09 Ottobre 2009 da peggolina91


Scandiano is the most populous municipality in the province of                       Reggio Emilia   after the chief town and one of the great economic                centers. Its patrimony of history and art shapes it as a true "small      capital",among the most interesting of the region.                                                  The first documentations  on Scandiano, departing from the most                        ancient (testified by numerous archaeological finds, among which                      the famous Venus of Chiozza, sculpture feminine neolitica today to                         the Civic  Museums of Reggio Emilia) periods, they go up again to                             the first halves the  XIII century.  The actual installation has origin in                    1262 when Gilberto Fogliani built a castle around which different                       families were established coming from the demolished Castellazzo                        of Pratissolo together with escaped guelfi defeated to Montaperti                         (1260) from Farinata of the Ubertis.  Among 500 and the 700                        Scandiano it knew moments of great vitality and all  those people                      who governed it, from the Boiardos to the Thienes, from the                            Bentivoglios to the Estes, they enriched the suburb of small fortress                   and constructions.

                    The so-called one "Venus of Chiozza."
                                    Female figurine of sandstone that the                           researchers date to the  Paleolitico or to the Neolitico; it is                              pre
served in the Civic Museum of Reggio Emilia.


One of the places of great artistic interest of the territory of                        Scandiano are certainly the castle the Fortress of the Boiardos. 

It is the first building cell of  the country and  has been, for eight                  centuries, the symbol of the  political power.
The architectural complex, that develops him on a surface of                            5000 m2s, has suffered in the time many remaking. It in fact,                              been born in 1315 as defensive building with the From Fogliano,                            it was turned into ladylike abode by the family Boiardo and                              finally in Renaissance building from the marquises Thiene  and                           from the principles of Este (1645 -1726). In the building they                       cohabit and medieval (tower pusterla of the entry north and                           hanging bows of the courtyard), Renaissance (portico of the                      courtyard) and Baroque (staircase, bifore, architravate of the                         courtyard, decorations to        plaster of the apartment estense)                  architectural structures can be admired.

     The whole history of                         Scandiano and its people is developed inside the castle.                                           In a room of the first floor of the building, the poet Matteo                                 Maria Boiardo was born; in the undergrounds  it was usual                                      to complete his experiments the great Lazzaro Spallanzani.                                    They lodged to the castle the poet Francesco Petrarca,                                              the reformer Giovanni Calvino and Pope Paolo III.






we will be very happy to  know your city.....hoping to see it as                             soon as possible...a warm regard!!!

francesca pagano from class 4°f




How to write in this blog

Post n°3 pubblicato il 08 Ottobre 2009 da piero.gobetti

The language of this blog is Italian, so there could be some difficulties for a Latvian to understand some parts of this blog. It is possible to write in two ways: as a visitor, and just to comment someone's message, or as a member, with the possibility to write a new message. To become a member is simple, I tried to translate the instruction in English, it could be useful to write as a member.

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indirizzo corretto programma gita Monaco...
Inviato da: picciati
il 14/04/2010 alle 11:59
indirizzo programma gita Monaco di...
Inviato da: PICCIATI
il 14/04/2010 alle 11:56
Nice! but it would be useful to have the link... Paolo
Inviato da: piero.gobetti
il 27/11/2009 alle 21:46
Hallo maduu! Schoen dass du Deutsch sprichst. Hoffentlich...
Inviato da: ivanna
il 02/11/2009 alle 18:57
Oh thank you!:D I liked yours too... I'm really...
Inviato da: martypotter
il 01/11/2009 alle 15:07


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