E' solo una strada

Do you know what is a road?

Do you know what is a road ?Is a challenge every day : Isabel answered prompt to the guyI will kill this girl with my love one day, you know?:shouted the guy in a laugh, letting a guy in a bar getting mad, as he was sleeping on a chair.Isabel mouth's corners moved up as in a bitter laugh, she tought how funny was life and how deep is the idea every human being has to be the center of the world.Her black long hair moved on her shoulder as she rotates her neck towards the window.The guy was amazed by her beauty, her deep lips, coloured as the peach flowers, her eyes lightly brown so full of life to scare the world, her skin smooth so delicate that it was possible to see the map of her veins around the eyes.Isabel started to sing looking to the wind that was arriving from the ocean beating  the sea and let it move on as a kid in a moment of rage.Trough the window of the bar she could see a little ship in the pain of the tempest, for a second she prayed God to leave that ship alive or do that agony faster.Someone up the clouds heard and a ray of light comes out, the ship found back the road as she stopped to sing.You know we can decide to be the sea, the wind or the ship but someone always will take the final decision and we can just move as the sea, breathe as the wind or end up in little pieces as she ship Do you think all this will ever mean something for the world,?The guy ended his beer lost in the words he had more will to have some sex than to listen to her hope: I thinK you need just rest your brain.Isabel moves her eyes toward the ones of the guy, she looked at a piece of foam of the beer on his mouth: I know you will kill someone, maybe me but surely you will kill yourself.She took his hand and standed up on front of him, while her blue skirts danced around her legs.She was too much elegant for a bar on the seaside.She brought the guy through the bar, walking in the middle of the little mass of ppl who were wathcing soccer on tv.They were out.The guy coughed as the wind beat him.Isabel exploded in a laugh: Cover yourself or the wind will throw you in the sea