What a long ominous silence you've left behind , Hovering over each single day As a cloudy skay before the storm , Interruptedonly by the nagging wriggle Of my annoying insistence . The more i look for you ,the more i push you away i know it well , this is the ruthless rule of unreciprocal love . But i'm happy ti know that you are free , Other arms will hug , other hands will touch you , And you are the master of your feelings , The inspired musician composig her melodies . I'm the busker who moves along the streets , Tentatively reproducing the rune You've laid on me , as a gift . But i'm not a prisoner of your spell , I'll treasure you silence Because i know there is a smile behind that And i know this a smile behind that And i know this silence is not imposed , But your choice . BY SJONNI
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il 18/03/2013 alle 15:54
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il 15/03/2013 alle 10:07
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il 03/03/2013 alle 03:13
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il 23/11/2012 alle 12:40
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il 15/11/2012 alle 18:30