Dear friends, Here are what I heard around New Year on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire in Skovlunde: 3250.04    2335-2350*    KRE    29.12    Voice of Korea, Pyongyang    Japanese ann, Korean opera, closing ann    35242    AP-DNK 3815  (USB)   2105-2208 fade out    GRL    29.12    KNR, Tasiilaq (USB)    Greenlandic/Danish. Deep fades often of 10 minutes duration! Greenlandic talk and news, music, 2200 KNR jingle, news in Danish (?), poor modulation    25212    AP-DNK 3990    2305-2340    CHN    28+29.12    Gannan PBS, Tianshui    Tibetan ann, music, talk - no longer relays CNR-8 (heard on 6010)    34443    QRM Croatia 3985 until strong Xinjiang open carrier signed on *2315, but Gannan could still be heard underneath    AP-DNK 3990    *2330-2340    CHN    28+29.12    Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi    Uighur    IS, ID: "Sinkiang khalk radyo stanshi", string music, talk    44444 // 4980 (35434)    AP-DNK 3995.0    1355-1455    INS    31.12    RRI Kendari (p)    Bahasa Indonesia long talks, 1447 pop music    24222    QRM Xinjiang PBS 3990    AP-DNK 4790.07    0230-0240    PRU    02.01    R Visión, Chiclayo (p)    Spanish talk, hymns by choir    23232 CODAR QRM    AP-DNK 4905    1955-2232*    TCD    29+31.12+01.01    R Chad, Gredia, N'Djaména    French reports, conversation about N'Djaména, ID's, Afropop, closing ann, National Anthem    45434    From *2050 QRM Tibet. Extended service on New Year's evening with ann in Arabic 2254-2257, then French again: "Il est trois minutes jusque vers le Nouveau Ans", 2300 National Anthem, speech by the President (p), 2310 National Hymn and close    AP-DNK 5009.94    2330-2400    ???    31.12    UNID    too weak to identify language, man and woman presenting a lively New Year Show with pop music    15221    disappeared 2400, maybe R Cristal, Dominican Republic ?    AP-DNKmay be RTV Malagasy on new year extended schedule past year. 5109.85    0050-0100*    USA    29.12    WBCQ, Monticello, ME    English ann, pop songs    25333. Transmitter off at start of Dan Lewis Show from R New York International 0100-0400 including inverview with Glenn Hauser.    AP-DNK 9290    *1300-1500*    LVA    30.12    RMRC, via Ulbroka    German/English    Last special programme from Ulbroka, ann, many pop songs, interview with Robert Kipp    25232    AP-DNK Best 73,Anker