fabbrica scintille

Warrington, at the Peace Center , England

I am here  since few days but  I can't hear anynore the voice inside me that usually thinks in italian.Words comes into my mind in English and if I don,t know some words then they arrive in Italian. But you know it,s an uncouscious action...I,m working in Warrington at the Peace Center with other seven girls. Everyone from a different country.We work all the day long and will also live togheter... sometimes it`s very difficult to understand each other because everyone speaks witha different accent, but i,m getting used to.I think that this is a great oppurtunity for me,and it`s really a great experience too. It gives me many emotions...working at the Peace Center... it,s very very tiring but i,m quite satisfied till now... probably it could be the right way to reach my dreams for the future... I,do/n know i,m too tired know to think about it,too tired to explain all my feelings... just good night....