SerrentiS Slippers

SerrentiS Hotel slippers

Many thanks for your visit! Dear visitor, with my name I guarantee the quality of the products from SerrentiS Hotel Supplies. These products are the result of many years of experience and communication with many different hotels all over Europe. We have learnt over time and understood that we must adjust the quality of our products to fulfil the many various needs of our clients, for every country, every region and every zone in Europe. Your time is a valuable jewel Through experience and contact with many hotel owners, it has become clear to us, that time really is the gold that all wish for. When a visiting representative comes, the hotel owner usually does not have the time to sit down and go into the details of the most important information and innovations. With this in mind, we have developed a method which optimizes work time and therefore the quality of our services. SerrentiS Hotel Supplies offers you a long distance contact, but without the need to forgo a personal contact with us. In fact, we only need a few minutes on the telephone in order to ascertain what you need and want. We can immediately send you an offer if you wish per email or fax. At your request, we would be happy to send you various samples, so that you can take your time in making your choice. You reply when you have decided, without spending much of your precious time with a visiting salesperson. Closeness to customers A further reason why our customers are so satisfied with our service is that we are always available for our customers. We take their wishes seriously and do our best to offer solutions as soon as possible. For example, we can store your personalized products in our warehouse so that you can call off the desired quantity for fast delivery. This means you can make an order for your yearly requirements of personalized products, but then call off partial deliveries so that you receive them within a very short time. We always keep a sufficient quantity on stock for you, so that you could call off an extra amount, which could also be delivered without delay. We can also source unusual products for you, with different fabrics or different materials which are not in our standard programme. You can trust us and those who know us know that they are in good hands. We think in advance about possible hidden problems. Trust and Availability Trust is also a strong reason for our success, but above all, we are daily at your service to help and reply to you as quickly as possible. Competent and well-trained personnel answer you in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian. ProductsSince the inception of our company, we are well-known for slippers, towels and bathrobes. In the meantime, we have become amongst the best experts in Europe for these products. We are only satisfied with the best quality and the utmost comfort, also for our budget models. After years of searching for the various changes in models following fashion trends, we have returned to our good tradition, our fair prices and the best quality, for which we are well known. With our experience, we have optimized our products to suit every type of hotel. We have products in our palette ranging from simple products to luxury articles which enhance any room. Of course, we also have many standard products, but whose quality is superior to many competitive goods on the market. Because of the many enquiries we receive we have increased our assortment with the addition of Hotel Cosmetic Products which incorporates various lines, brand names and the possibility of all products being personalized for your hotel. Also for our hotel cosmetic products we have taken great pains in sourcing our products and we work with the largest companies in Europe who have EU certification for dermatalogical products (e.g. shampoos, shower-gels, soaps etc.). These products are Made in Italy . Environment We are very sensitive concerning the protection of the environment. Many of our products have been made with this protection as a basis. In fact, the boxes of our hotel cosmetics are not glued together, but close by folding flaps together. The bottles and other components of our lines are made from recycled materials and are themselves also further recyclable. In our slipper range, we also offer the possibility of using a single slipper for all occasions, for wellness, spas, fitness, thermal baths and in the rooms simply by the addition of a sole which is suitable for all types of floors. In this way, waste is reduced and the environment profits. I wish that you all should feel well in our house and would be happy to hear from you soon.  Salvatore Serrenti