
Part Three: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 20-25

TitlePart Three: Arrow Hero leveling for Level 20-25DateJanuary 21th, 2010 Here is hero-gold. We will introduce the arrow Hero leveling which from other site. Hope you like it more or less.Level 26: Just stay at those spiders, they are sweet experience and easy to us. Level(Hero Online Gold) 27: By this level, you can move to the cave of ruins to tell bats. Cave of ruins is located at north west of the map.Level 28: Keep on killing those bats in the cave, or you might want to challenge the red illusion rogues who are level(Hero Gold) 32. Level 29: Now is the time for you to move off to the red illusionary rogues. Just be careful of those big weird monsters. They are really strong even though they look weak.Level 30: Here you have reached the big 30. Give yourself a clap and move on. Except we recommend to stay at the red illusionary rogues in cave of ruin since in spirit spire, there are level 38 and 35 monsters roaming around.Level 31: Now is the time to move off to a different map. Now, you can go to spirit spire and there those black panthers. Just be careful of the ancient slayers and avoid the viragos for now.Level 32: Keep on killing those black panthers and now you can attempt to take on viragoes. However, still avoid those ancient slayers since they hit quite a bit. Level 33: Stay and those panthers and viragoes. If an ancient slayer comes into your way, you can try smack him now.Thanks. We provide Hero powerleveling with a low price. Please contact with our customer service right now