
Hero Tips for Character Skills

There is a total of 14 books that each character(Hero Online Gold) can use right now. The amount of points to max all skills is relative, because your skill slots only have room for 10 skill books plus passive and wind drift skills. You can mix up which books you want to carry but you will not have room for all of them. Starting out its a good idea to stick to using skills for only 1 weapon style.Also, most people only invest enough to unlock their skills and do not max them out until much later. Lots of people skip volume 1 skills, others find some of them to be handy. This Hero guide can help you plan out when and where you want to invest your points. Right now the highest level books are the Divine skills at level 75. It would be nice to know how many skills points you have at level(Hero powerleveling) 75 exp. If anyone knows please post.