
Hero Online Level for 1-5

This is a leveling guide for hero online. Basically, this basically is what we think is the best method of horizontal line in the hero. We just personal now in heroic this guide for green 46 class to level 40. Just be aware that attempt to do every quest because they give some sweet experience.Level(Hero powerleveling) 1-5:Level(Hero Online Gold) 1: When you begin to do, just go to the town, killing the Wolf cubs. To ensure they are black and white puppy.Level 2: Keep on killing the black wolf pups. Maybe you can attempt the white ones, but make sure you have some healing teas.Level 3: Go up to the boars and kill them because they come to you and you do not have to run around too much.Level 4: Keep on killing those boars, just do not go too close to those level 5 packs and bandits.Level 5: You can attempt on killing those wild boars level 5, beware of the giant boar which can hit a bit. Tags: Level for 1-5Related News: Hero gem guide4-2-2009Hero guide for newbies4-4-2009Hero: Leveling guide 15-30 4-9-2009Hero leveling 1-154-10-2009Hero: Game Features4-13-2009Hero : Guide to bot PART 15-6-2009Hero : improved craft/upgrade/drop rates5-7-2009Hero : What should you do when you get the poison book 5-8-2009Hero : Change your selling/buying position at tavern 5-11-2009Hero : tips on training your pet 5-12-2009Hero : how to increase your chances of strengthening weapons 5-13-2009Hero : Other Blacksmith options 5-14-2009Hero : get rich quickly ( lvl 80 + )5-15-2009Hero : different types of gems and how to increase odds of making better + weapons5-16-2009Hero : info on 2 common builds 5-18-2009Hero : some useful advice 5-19-2009Hero : guide on creating a house5-20-2009Hero : what lvl can wear armor 5-21-2009Hero : To Compute Defense5-22-2009Hero :little Horse Guide5-23-2009Hero : info on Blade Warrior + Gears ( Lvl 85 )5-25-2009Hero : tips on strengthening the items 5-26-2009The Features of Hero PvE ,PvM and PvP5-27-2009