
Hero Guide: Skill Build

Be aware that the Hero skill build is significantly more subjective than the crusader skill build. It depends on the playing style of each player to decide what they want to max, more skills actually have a purpose. We will post a cookie-cutter build here and maybe we can improve it as we go along. This build assumes you have immediate access to all skillbooks.Level(Hero Gold) 120>>1 AC, 1 Brandish, 1 Rush. 1 AC allows for an immediate 6th orb and 32% chance at gaining two orbs rather than one every time you attack. Rush allows for immediate mobbing, and can also replace slash blast at level 1. Level 121-130>>Max brandish. Brandish ultimately replaces four skills: panic, coma, power strike, and slash blast. Level 131-140>>Max Advanced Combo. Advanced combo helps your damage now as much as combo attack did back in 3rd job. Not much more to say.Now the build becomes debatable. Some may choose to get level(Hero powerleveling) 9 maple hero for +5% buff of all base stats, which for a dexless hero would be 7attk buff. Others choose more prominent, and less of a nuisance to the position, the monster with mattks training. Enrage could be put to level 20. here for a 21attk buff for 200 secs every 8mins, which would be an 8attk buff over your warrior elixirs. Rush could also be maxed here simply for the range, though that is a slightly less attractive option.