
Crusader at Level 89 in Hero

We are level(Hero powerleveling) 89 Crusader and we regularly party with an ice mage. When we were both lower-leveled, training at DT's was godly experience. Do not totally cast out DT's because sometimes it's hard for a Crusader to find a Priest who is willing to party them, especially because a low 9x priest still needs HB for MDTs. And an ice mage can also do more damage than a priest, making the exp very quick despite no holy symbol. ALso, DT's freeze but MDT's do not.Also, now that we are nearing the 90's, our ice mage will soon begin to train on Vikings together. Vikings freeze and are very fun to mass when both of us get together. This is great exp(Hero Gold). It is not necessarily to have a party of 6+ people to gain efficient exp at Vikings. Might want to make some notes of thatbut really, we think that's a great overall guide in Hero.