
Introduction for Items in Hero Online

We provide the introduction for items in Hero Online for the players. And today we will simply introducte Clean Items and Dirty Items. Hope it can helpful for you playing this game.Clean Items(Hero Online Gold) are items with no additional stats and the plus on them without. Basically you can obtain "Clean" items by purchasing from shops. Such as the weapon shop in Dragon Castle which items are always Clean.Dirty items are items usually found by monster drops, assuming 80-90 of the items in the game are found this way disregarding any from boxes. Dirty items usually contain a stat prefixed on the item without a plus. Meaning poison bronze sword will have poison damage added to it and then the regular stats and nothing else this item is Dirty.Aren't Dirty Items better to boom which is a word player's use for strengthening? Oh,no, they are. Dirty Items are better items because if it has a stat already on it, and you can strengthen the item by doing pure upgrades. You will have a higher item than a clean would but dirty items have a higher fail rate to make up for this. Here we provide you Hero Online powerleveling.