
Hero Online Guanyin Guide: How to Get Skills

Here we will tell you how to gain skill points after you kill a certain amount of enemies. Then you can use these skills to level(Hero Online Gold) a skill book which are purchased from NPC's that sell them. Such as Bookstore Clerk Woon or something similar. Then you can study skills from the books which you can use in combat, or the skill is a passive which you just upgrade and it gives you bonuses. Well same thing goes for your skill point bar. You can see how much skill point you have by pressing the "B" button while in Hero Online.When you kill some frogs, maybe it gets harder after 3Dan, but you will gain 3 skill points in less then five minutes. It is probably the amount of monsters you kill because you create huge mobs at spirit shire and you can get a skill point in like 10 min and you get more the higher level you are becasue before you level(Hero Online powerleveling) you will get about 10 ish or more.After all, skill points are hard to earn, you should have patience. The higher level you get the more monsters it takes to get skill points because of the greater exp needed.