
Hero Online Guide: Information for Level 51-60

Here is the information for level 51-60 in Hero Online. We provide for you hope that can help you with this game, just have a look.- Level(Hero Online Gold) 51: Tiger and amazons or hawks and amazons.- Level 52: Here you can definately take the tigers and amazons on. Aoe heaps here near the bamboo mountain portal and you'll level fast. Wear crptic set if you are str int build or else wear bloody eagle.- Level 53: Tigers and Amazons- Level 54: Same thing might get a bit boring now.- Level 55: Omg you can use toxic or violet weapons. Go get one real quick. They are considerably cheap. Get a +3 one if you can. You can violet for the moment and toxic when you are level 70+. Now come back and see the difference. Tigers will get ownt big time with violet weapons.- Level(Hero Online powerleveling) 56: Keep at the tigers. Bamboo mountain may be too hard for you right now.- Level 57: Try bamboo mountain just at the entrance where there should be a few blocks of monsters. Don't proceed further or you may get ownt. Stay at the entrance.- Level 58: Keep at bamboo mountain entrance or back to tigers if too inefficient.- Level 59: Here you can take on the bamboo mountain entrance monsters quite easy now so train there.- Level 60: That is worth celebrating when you at this level. And you can level in mid bamboo mountain if you like. Avoid the stout warriors. They are the big fat ones because they are heaps strong.