
Hero Online Guide: Task Forces

Playing Hero, If you have been able to establish an official of the forces, m the power of officials that have joined no other choice but to force the 40 + level, we can release the power of his office (open large map can see the specific coordinates of the National People's Congress Assembly) of the works, everyone can do every day 10 times the power of individual work, the general task of personal power.1) Foundry: picked up this task can go to their blacksmith stove Department Click Start swords and then follow the system step by step prompts you to complete on OK. Buy the way, you can buy Hero Online Gold to help you playing this game.2) Trial thief: To accept the task can go to the palace in front of carvedilol that there are groom, cook, housekeeper three clicks of their respective NPC of which two are innocent they will agree to a means such as the NPC that is then you cook can Department reported click and then then click the cook is a thief will be able to find a publisher to pay the task force has been. Also here is Hero Online powerleveling service.3) Inventory of food: in the barn outside the city there are three granary. Click to go to the granary. granary add up the total value of the three reported to the official food of this task can be completed.