

Tell me pretty girl, do you know who I am?Have you ever seen me as your friend?Anything we have is those hungry nightsBut there's so much left unsatisfiedAll those little things you told meAin't good enought to show meThat we're gonna make in through the timeI found out in the middle of a heartbeatAnd I know that I'm doin' rightTogether we are still so far apartI found out in the middle of a heartbeatAnd the more I try to be your light I can't get any closer to your heartNow that I'm afraid just to ask for moreI'm still waiting as I did beforeIf you only sad that it's not too lateWe could then rely upon our fateAll those little things you tell me Could bear enough to show meThat we're gonna make in through the timeI found out in the middle of a heartbeatAnd I know that i'm tellin' rightTogether we are still so far apartI found out in the middle of a heartbeatThat the more I try to be your lightI can't get any closer to your heartTo your heartI found out, I found outI found out in the middle of a heartbeatAnd I know that i'm doin' rightTogether we are still so far apartI found out in the middle of a heartbeatAnd the more I try to be your lightI can't get any closer to your heartI found out in the middle of a heartbeatand i know that i'm doin' rightTogether we are still so far apartTogether we are still so far apartE piu cerco di essere la tua luceE meno riesco ad avvicinarmi al tuo cuore...Triste, tristissima canzone delle zucche di Amburgo. Per un certo periodo ha accompagnato le mie notti insonni. Leggevo e rileggevo il testo, e non mi capacitavo di come le cose andassero nell'esatta opposta maniera di come volessi. Ora la ascolto e ripenso a quelle notti a prendere a pugni le porte e i muri. E dire che a volte ci vorrebbe cosi poco per capire le cose piu semplici, le cose che sono chiare a tutti, tranne che a lei. O forse non c'č piu sordo di chi non vuol sentire?In un album grintoso e ironico come Master of the Rings, questa canzone stona un pochino. Dopo essersi divertiti per 40 minuti, si arriva al momento topico ed emozionale. Non c'entra nulla, ma una canzone cosi ci vuole. Al buio, con le cuffie, in fondo ti placa l'anima....