La forza sia con te - Riuscirà Han Solo a sopravvivere nel mondo virtuale: quali battaglie lo attenderanno?





Post N° 21


Post N° 20


R.E.M. - Losing my religion


A hero of the Rebellion: in memory

..If, at the height of his smuggling days, you told Han Solo that he would be a hero of the Rebellion, fall in love with an Alderaanian princess, and become a general in the Alliance, he would have had no shortage of smart remarks for you. But if anything is consistent in Solo's life, it…

Han Solo da Corelia

Han  Solo   Homeworld:Corelia Species:Human  Gender:Male  Height:1.8 meters  Weapon:heavy blaster pistol Vehicle:Millennium Falcon  Affiliation:Rebel Alliance, New Republic, Galactic Alliance  <>