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il fabbro ferraio - english version

The blacksmith From the earth iron and coal thus with the air the fire so generated makes the metal tender like clay Red the metal receives the rigth blows of the man. Soft, he said, blow hard now and the wrought iron of the hammer knocks as much as required. And so, blow after blow at times soft at times strong the matter gets closer to the idea. The hammer comes down precise and relentless without overdoing. No blow is wasted but the last one cuts down the strenght of the arm touches the anvil only and resounds. The man can recognize the last good blow. Then he puts the matter on the coal and waits. Here he beats again soft clay at first red then grey. Here the end of the work, here the realized idea. A glance, a certainty, then the cry of the temper lasts less than an instant and the water becomes again silent