Thieves & Poets

Post N° 128

E' vero... Ultimamente sono stata assente dal blog in modo esponenziale... Ma tante sono le novità e tanti i cambiamenti nella mia vita...Il cambiamento più interessante è sicuramente avvenuto un mese fa circa... Quando ho iniziato il corso per tecnico audio... Due sere a settimana la mia macchinina mi porta a Genova Nervi... Ridente cittadina... Accogliente... E devo dire la verità... Sono riuscita ad instaurare un buon rapporto anche con i miei colleghi di corso e con i docenti... Tutte personcine simpatiche e divertenti!!!A tal proposito voglio postare una delle tante canzoni che mi accompagnano nell'ora e mezza di viaggio che mi tocca fare quando vado a lezione!!!Roscoe - Midlake Stonecutters made them from stones Chosen specially for you and I Who will live inside The mountaineers gathered tender Piled high In which to take along. Driving many miles, knowing they'd get here. When they got here, all exhausted On the roof leaks they got started And now when the rain comes We can be thankful Ooh aah ooh When the mountaineers Saw that everything fit, they were Glad and so they took off Thought we were devoid A change or two Around this place When they get back they're all mixed up with no one to stay with The village used to be all one really needs That's filled with hundreds and hundreds of Chemicals that mostly surround you You wish to flee but it's not like you So listen to me, listen to me Oh, oh, oh and when the morning comes, We will step outside We will not find another man inside We like the newness, the newness of all That has grown in our garden soaking for so long Whenever I was a child I wondered what if my name had changed into something more productive like Roscoe Been born in 1891 Waiting with my Aunt Rosaline Thought we were devoid A change or two Around this place When they get back they're all mixed up with no one to stay with 1891 They looked around the forest They made their house from cedars They made their house from stones Oh, they're a little like you, and They're a little like me When they're falling me Thought we were devoid A change or two Around this place (This place) (This place) When they get back they're all mixed up with no one to stay with (When they get back they're all mixed up with no one to stay with)