
I thought a lot of time in the last year..about my life, my interests, myself and my personal approach to the other people and to the world.In my thinking I found an idea on my personality that I didn'n know: I find a person more quiet, thoughtful as in the past but in a different way. Wich way?A way as a man that looks at all around himself, and perceips all the messages of the nature and of the life without the anxiety to do something to react to this messages.Altough the media tells you to be the best, to be rich, to buy all the things that makes you a "big man", I can assure that I was taking more distance to this wrong ideas: this isn't simple, because you could feel alone in some moments of the day (e.g when the sun in going down in the sunset
).But the freedom to be independent from the stereotypes, can assure you in the time less weights to bring (the same weights that oblige you to look every moment you cell phone or your status on a social network) and so more power to manage your life. But perhaps, this is only my usual vision of the life, like an ideological view of the world...I'll tell you about my updates, good or bad.
PS: peace & love