SunriseAve ITALY

From Sunrsise Avenue Diary_Echoes of the new studio and Moscow

We were at the ECHO awards with Jukka on Friday. We were nominated for the best international Band (something) and the other bands fighting for the same trophy were Linkin Park (who won), Bon Jovi (!!!), The Eagles and 30 sec to Mars. We knew we would not win but still we decided to buy black suits and shows and stuff for that very event. Well, they never even presented the whole award at the gala and all we got was 3 hours of moderating and jokes in German, great German performances (Dj Ötzi and stuff) and we ended up eating on the floor a bit drunk with my blond band mate ;=) Well I have to say seeing Kylie live was very nice and also the Nightwish performance made the night worth living through. I am so fucking proud of the Nightwish guys how they managed to pull it through after all the bull shit with changing their singer. I think the change was a very good thing for them. The studio is slowly getting there piece by piece. There are real construction guys working every day and it's so cool now that you can see the final walls already in many of the rooms. There will be a huge painting session at the end of this month and Jukka had bought the Kitchen today. My dad will come and help us install the stuff. It's gonna be so great!!!! I wish I could invite everybody to the grand opening in march before we start recording the next SA album ;=) The next album has a project name. We call it "The Popgasm"After getting home from Berlin on Saturday, we sat down with Jukka looking at some new songs we both have written. I so hope it would already be March when we really get to hit the record button at put our new vintage equipment to work for us. There are a few songs I am dying to get done. Especially "Welcome to my life", a song I wrote some months ago. Patience patience, Doctor Haber…We will play our first Russian shows this week in Moscow and St.Petersburg. Funny but none of us has never been to Russia even though it's our neighbor. They say the audiences there are really loud and cool, so well see. At least all the arrangements seem to be taken care of very well and professionally.After the Russian shows we will join the Big Brother gang in Germany. I really don't know what they have planned for us, but I hope they don't lock us into the house. You know, they have sex and all there. The Germans ;=) Actually they could keep Raul for a few weeks. He has been a bad boy.,. ;=)Keep rocking, Dr.Haber