SunriseAve ITALY

SA diary

Sunday, April 27, 2008  Eska Awards Poland We've been a lot at home this year, witch has been actually very nice and there have been less than 20 trips outside Finland since New Year. Last Thursday we flew to Warsaw, Poland to join the Eska Radio awards in Lodz, 150 Kilometers Southwest from the capital. Last time we were in Poland, we had huge problems with transportation (you can read what happened in my earlier bloq) and this time the EMI folks had really arranged everything great for us. As we walked out the doors of Warsaw airport, there was a 12-meter Hummer limo waiting for us outside with all the champagne and stuff inside. Good start ;=)I had bought a DVD quality video camera before the trip and it was very cool filming the looks of Polish countryside people faces as we dove by with the loooong American miracle. On Thursday evening there was only a dinner and party for all the nominees and acts of the show next day and we hang out with Miss September and Mr.- Bass Hunter and their gangs. We drove around with another long H2 and took a closer look at the second biggest city of the country. We nearly were arrested too by the Polish Cops but that was all Riku's fault ;=) No, we just crossed this huge street the wrong way and well.. I guess the behavior was not from my mom's "ABC of life"The next day was also very relaxed and therefore it wasn't too bad to be a bit tired after the busy night. The show was one of the most well organized events I have ever been to everything went on so smoothly. And especially after receiving the award of "Best international newcomer" we finally had forgotten al stuff and missing airplanes that hit us on the first trip. Thank you so much!!And the weather was so so nice. It was the first real day of summer / spring this year. So sure there was an after party on Friday night and we slept only a few hours before taking the ride to the airport. So I woke up at 9 PM on my sofa after sleeping the whole day and realized we were able to bring the spring along from Poland to Helsinki. It's so nice now too. I had a nice meal in the center in a pretty new restaurant called "Cochon" (You must try it if you are in Helsinki, the number 1 on my list) with Mikko, the guy who sold his house for our 1st album and had a few glasses of wine. I just woke up and it's 3 PM. I slept so great! I have two hours to get to our old studio to have a chat with this new band we might start working with. I will make it ;=)Thanx for everyhting Poland and especially the lovely folks at EMI music. See U soon, S