SunriseAve ITALY

SA DIARY 22 Luglio 2008 : Greetings from studio II

I am sitting here at our studio on the big black leather sofa of the big control room. Sami is next to me. Today we are recording percussions and the man with the congas and stuff is Mr. Mamba. Sami knows the guy from his past. Mamba had asked Sami to replace him in a band called Giant Räbät for one show afew months ago. He has a van full of different drums and percussions and my Goooooooood it sounds great. Right now they're playing shakers and congas to a song called "Something sweet. Mamba also had performed at the Pori Jazz festival last weekend. I was there with Sami, Jukka, Karri and some other well-behaving music folks enjoying the beats and the groove. We stayed at Jukka's mother's birthplace at "Mouhijärvi" for the weekend with the guys and some friends. That was relaxing. Swimming naked is obviously good for your mental health ;)We wrote "something sweet" with Jukka a few days ago and actually we even wrote the lyrics together. It's about bedroom stuff, but in the nice way…;) There are more than 20 songs that we're working with and I could name many of the 98 % sure songs of the album but this one is the first 100 % album track. I love it.It's great how the tracks are finally taking steps towards the final production. I am losing my sleep every night with the lyrics. Of course Jukka helps me with them, but it's my job at the end of the day. There have been days I have been really stressed out with the album. It's more work than I remembered. But today it feels all great. Me and my twisted mind ;) I guess all these feelings of not being good enough to make it happen and feeling amateur etc is just a necessary part of giving birth to something great. I would not skip one second of all this…This is all for now. Home you are feeling great too.SamU