SunriseAve ITALY

dal Sunrise Avenue Diary 07-03-09

Hamburg – Berlin I didn’t remember how happy I feel in a tour bus bed. Everybody went to bed yesterday pretty soon after we left Hamburg. Of course we had an early flight in the morning from Helsinki yesterday but we were still in the center of Hamburg when the only one up was our driver Mr. Linus. Damn I was nervous yesterday before the show. The whole day at the venue before the show was a huge technical mess and we were supposed to try the new versions on stage for a few hours before the first show, but fixing the cables and systems took all the time. And since everything was still not super fine after the sound check, that makes you feel a bit strange when you really don’t know how the “weather conditions” will be on stage. Anyway… As the music and lights went off and I walked on stage, I remembered again why we make these trips and play these shows. The welcome you gave us was one of the warmest I have ever experienced and my feelings were pretty hard to handle as I sat there alone with my guitar starting the first song. Whatta night! I have been on stage a couple of times before in my life with different setups, but I must say this acoustic / stripped down thing is one of my favorites. We tried this thing last year a couple of times at some smaller acoustic events but I didn’t remember it’s that relaxed. You were very super great and you made me / us feel very good. And even if we made a few little mistakes (that you probably didn’t realize;), I think the show rolled very well. I was very proud of us all. I was also a bit worried with the fact that we are traveling only with 2 crew guys (Mikko Sound & MP Stage) because the production is so light this time, but I must give full 10 points to both of them. It’s so strange having only 9 guys (Band, 2xcrew, Merchandise Toby and tour manager Basty) in the bus in stead of the usual 13. Even though we travel with a smaller bus, there’s still very much space and it’s quiet. Nice!Now we are sitting outside the Columbia Club in Berlin waiting for the local crew to open the doors. I guess we will have to check some songs with the guys on stage and then if there’s time, I could do some kettle bell training. Maybe…;) It’s funny how you practice songs back home, but you finally see how the things work when you do them on stage for the first time. Just little adjustments today. My family is here checking us out and also my friend Kimmo from my “Spanish years” and he will travel with us to Dresden with the tour bus. Driving with us in the night and sleeping in the bus bed is definitely an experience for anyone. If things start getting really bad in the music business, I will start selling “Haber experience travel” tickets on the tours. 105 € Night, including breakfast and Riku’s cheap jukes…Thank you all very much for yesterday. It was way cooler than we expected. Love you all, Samu